Thursday, June 14, 2012

Girl Talk - no boys allowed

Like the fire of a thousand suns...the hot flash!

Unless you can stand hearing about things like Uteruses. Or is the plural Uteri? Don't ask me, I have fuzzy brain. Why you ask? If you're not asking - this blog's not for you!

Start up the way back machine. Going on three years ago now I had a hysterectomy - DaVinci style (it's a type of computer assisted surgery) - quite artistic. I decided prior to surgery that I wished to retain my ovaries so I wouldn't be plunged into immediate menopause, but Dr. Dornbier found a large cyst on leftie - so out she went. Since surgery I haven't had any monthly - well reminders of my womanliness. So I haven't been quite sure whether or not I've gone through the change or not.

Mom had a hysterectomy at an early age - so I didn't have her to go by. Sister Cindo had one in her 40's. But Suso - she kept going strong with periods until past age 55! So I wasn't sure what to expect. When could I expect to go through menopause? When would I be in the Big M Club? Some of my friends had their last period in their 40's whilst others are still experiencing the monthly joy of hemorrhaging with cramps. And buying all those feminine products at top prices.

A few weeks ago I noticed I felt intense heat washing over me. Hot! Then it was over. Could this be one of those hot flashes I'd heard my girlies talk about? I must admit I'd made fun of them - but now I feel their pain! It's kind of like when I laughed about girls getting their periods in 7th grade - and then I got fun. For 40 years with timeout only for pregnancies! Hot flashes became a multiple time daily event. Yoo hoo.

But the worse part? Fuzzy brain. I'm having problems with word retrieval. People's names? Gone. Even words perched on the edge of my brain just waiting to pop into a sentence. But no. Said word is stuck, wedged in a brain crevice not to get to my tongue. Until later - when I'm not trying to come up with it. And there was that lil episode at the bridal shower when I signed Patti's name on the card with her maiden name. And I didn't even know her when she was a maiden! Damn you hormones.

Some days I go through brief periods when I don't even feel like myself. What the hell!?! Am I finally growing up? Or is it all the damn hormones ebbing and flowing?

I had my annual physical with Sheryl Young ARNP this week. She's such a nice lady, and she took time to talk to me about my life - not just check my various orifices and organs. I've known Sheryl for 20 years or so - so that also makes it easy for me to spill my guts (no not literally) to her. She mentioned the possibility of hormone replacement, but I'm holding out for now. I need to get this dented wing of mine (shoulder injury) fixed before I think about the next thing.

So if you're talking to me, and a bead of perspiration breaks out on my upper lip, and I forget a name or a word. Or even my whole train of thought of where I was going with the whole story - just laugh with me and offer me a beer! Unless we're at work of course...

They say this too shall pass. And I'll be sharp as a - one of those things you beat horses with - again. Oh yeah - a whip!

1 comment:

Jane Buck said...

Oh Les, if this wasn't so true, it could be funny. After a hyster at age 40 the only thing I experienced was hot flashes. Premarin was highly recommended and used for about 12 years somewhere in there. Some 37 years after the hyster, I am diagnosed with breast cancer, and told, "probably the hormone replacement"!!!! After two surgeries and 33 radiation treatments I was then informed I needed to take a hormone blocker pill a day for 5 years. Oh no you don't, and oh no I didn't and haven't. No more chemicals in my body, thank you very much.

Seems like what was good yesterday is now dangerous and on and on. Good luck to you.