Saturday, June 23, 2012

Shoulder and Peg - it will come back to you *(politics)

One of my favorite peeps was visiting Iowa this week. It worked out nicely into our schedule - the most excellent Bruce Hornsby concert Wednesday night - Paul rode up with Petersons and stayed all night with me at Joan's. I'm so lucky to have a nice roomie! ;>)

The next morning, we had a quick breakfast at Panera (did you know there's such thing as a French Toast bagel?) before my appointment with the shoulder surgeon at DMOS. That's the same place I went for the removal of Imelda, my shoe loving tumor (see my blog from March for more on this...). Unfortunately, the arm surgeon doesn't do shoulders. So that day I saw Dr. Kary Schulte.

First, because the computers at DMOS don't speak to the computers at Southwest Fam Physicians I had to have more X-Rays. I don't like that, but what are you going to do. At least I didn't have to disrobe and it was quick. Dr. Schulte reminded me a lot of my Doc Bro-In-Law - Betso's husband, Wayne Kohan. He's probably in his late 40's, soft-spoken, but someone you listen to. He put me through a series of movements and poked around. It didn't take him long to decide that scar tissue is my problem - not a torn rotator cuff, which I had feared.

I had a few options, but as bad as it's gotten, I've decided to have him put me under in mid July (as early as our schedules allow) and he'll crank that sucker and pop the scar tissue. Yeah, I know - sounds very painful. Paul had that done after his knee surgery and it was worse than the surgery! The same day of the procedure I'll begin physical therapy to prevent new scar tissue from laying down. This time I'll have to work through the pain instead of babying the thing - which is what I must have done that cause this whole problem. When it got sore, I quit using it. How are you supposed to know? And I didn't go to the doctor until it was too late - it was frozen by then. So a lesson to you all - treat injuries early! In between now and July 18, I'll Advil will be my friend and sleep hard to come by. Now that I know nothing is torn in there I'm going to get back to working out - no more whoa is me.

After my appointment (I was glad to have Pablo there for moral support and to ask questions), Paul dropped me off so I could work for a couple hours and he stopped at LifeServe Blood Center to donate. Yes - I turned him into a donor during our time living in the East Village. (Score one for me). I tried to donate at Valley West later, alas my blood pressure was too low. I hate getting rejected!

Dave Fox, Jean, (with Kelli - Denny's wife - not in this blog...)
Then we headed to Webster City for a mini-Goldsmith gathering - a chance to see my girl Peg Fox, who was coming back for her 25 high school reunion and to see family of course. In addition Paul's sisters were visiting: Pat, with husband Dave from Freeport, IL, Carol from Northwood and of course Peg's folks Paul's sis Jean and Husband Dave who have lived in Webster for a long time. Peg and her wife Brooke and twins Alex and Logan, age 4 arrived around 5:30 p.m. Sib pictures from last summer's fam reunion. Didn't seem to get one of Pat and Dave...
Carol and Jean
Peg is the second oldest of the Fox clan. Steve her bro lives in San Diego, Peg in New York City, Kris in Houston and Annette just west of the Twin Cities. So they are spread far and wide. When Peg moved to NYC in the mid 1990s, Jean and I went to visit her there. She attended the New School and worked part time. She had already gotten her undergrad and masters at UNI. It was then when I began to suspect that she was gay, but it was unspoken - I don't think I even said anything to Paul about it.

In 2000, Amy, Jean and I took a trip to NYC. Peg was temping at an insurance company and got us their box seat tickets to Tina Turner at Madison Square Garden. How's that for your first concert experience, Amy? We saw Lion King at the New Amsterdam Theater and had a great time throughout the whole trip! I love talking to Peg - she's a caring, intelligent, funny person. She always asks about our family and takes a true interest in their lives.

I can't say I was surprised a couple years later when Jean told Paul and me that Peg had come out to them - that she is gay. It was hard on Jean and Dave. I don't wish to bring this up every time I talk about her - the fact that Peg is gay certainly doesn't define her - but so many people still don't get it. I can't remember how long ago Peg and Brooke got married in Canada. Four years ago Peg gave birth to the boys - with the help of donor sperm. They are a committed couple raising their family just like any other couple. Oh wait - lots of children don't have 2 parents raising them...
Brooke, Logan, Alex, Peg
Anyway, for all of you out there who are against gay marriage - I wish you could meet Peg and her wife Brooke. Peg didn't choose to be attracted to women - she was born that way. The same with Brooke. Would it make all of us feel better if they faked it and married men? I'd prefer happy people marrying the ones they really love. If Dave Fox can accept this (he started out very conservative and his mind changed through the years), I think many of you out there can. When you have people who have been married and divorced multiple times arguing about the sanctity of marriage....

I'm glad we got to see them. The boys are full of energy - especially after a day of traveling. Like any good auntie I took sidewalk chalk - they enjoyed drawing "ant traps". It was a busy day, but paid off in hugs!

*Peg It Will Come Back to You is a song by Steely Dan