Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Haircut chatter

Sarah - good form in the blue shirt
I got my Locks of Like (don't get excited I made this term up) trimmed yesterday (they're not long enough for Locks of Love). My stylist Sarah ran the DSM Half Marathon despite being deathly ill with a kidney infection a couple weeks ago. She ran the whole thing - I saw her photos on Facebook later that day. They reminded me of my two Half Marathon experiences - and how much they meant to me.

So as she trimmed my hair we talked a mile a minute about it. That's what we usually do - each of us can hardly get a word in edge-wise. She is such a cool chick! Sarah is a HS graduate of the Muy Largo (I know Miss Spanish Smarty Pants Krissy, that word means long...but it looks like it mean large!) town of Murray where she was an excellent athlete who ended up with a scholarship to play basketball at NWMSU. I don't quite have her life story down, but she's lived in Arizona, and was once engaged to another guy before marrying Lucas, who is from Creston and dated my friend Jeanne Piel's daughter back when I worked at Gits (yes everything truly is connected when you're from Iowa).

Somehow she burned out of her fitness type job and other things she did and decided hair was for her, and by the time I knew about her, was doing hair at Sahar, a fancy schmancy place in DSM. (Plus she was married to Lucas and had 2 cutie patootie sons) Nancy Anthony, Diana (and lots of other peeps from Creston) somehow knew about her and filled us in at breakfast one morning at S&K. I was intrigued. A stylist who ridicules you? She did laugh at my hair style when I first went in - courtesy of Woody a stylist at a hair place in Crestonia. Man I thought some gay guys just had the hair gene - I guess they have to keep up on training just like everybody else!

We hit it off right away. Poor Sherri at Hair Designers in Corning tried to get me to blow dry my hair for years, but I was too afraid to tell Sarah "no". She showed me what to do while the dryer was going so it wouldn't go "poof"! I even purchased not one but two blow dryers. One for home, and one for Joan's, where I live when I work in DSM. Sarah is so spunky - she'll tell you just what she thinks! And yes, it's expensive - but I'm worth it!

So last night we discussed the Half Marathon. We agreed we both got emotional crossing the finish line. Because for each of us - putting the time into training, and working that hard for something...and then completing it was so satisfying! Her husband was very supportive of her efforts, which makes me think very highly of him. (and it makes her think highly of him too!) It reminded me of how my fam was very supportive of my effort - Paul and Amy both came for my big finish in 2007. Those things are important.

I'm glad my friends told me about Sarah. She's not just a stylist - she's a friend!

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