Monday, October 31, 2011


Before last weekend, the last time I spent time in Galena was with my Mom (sniff, sniff). The year was 1996, the year she was diagnosed with lung cancer - but when we took the trip, she had not yet been diagnosed. We were still oblivious. We had met Paul's sis Pat Vorwald and daughter Sarah in Galena. Amy was going with them for a few days while Mom and I traveled the area site-seeing.
Streets of Galena today
I remember shopping antique stores and visiting General Ulysses S. Grant's home. I found an antique creamer in the shape of a West Highland White Terrier that I fell in love with...but it was $60. Far too much for our budget! Mom bought a cute flamingo to put in their Florida place. We continued on our way - traveling to various scenic sites in NE Iowa that only Mom could put together. Bellevue, Bily Clocks, and Governor Larabie's Mansion in Clermont. We finished up in Independence looking for her relatives' cemetery plots (goulish - no?). Then we headed to Paul's hometown, Earlville, to collect Amy who had been delivered there, and headed home.

Later that summer, we traveled to Pat and Dave Vorwald's in Freeport, Illinois - driving through Galena - and we stopped and purchased that creamer. I couldn't stand to leave it behind. It was meant for me. I'm glad I got it! It's been a lasting momento of that trip - the last fun thing I did with Mom. When we cleaned out our parents' home, I claimed the flamingo to pair with the Westie. They make me smile.
My prize Galena possessions
Galena today has developed into an even nicer destination to visit. The quaint main street is so lovely! There are great stores and many little restaurants. Now I'd like to go back again - and I don't want to wait 15 years.
Handsome dude in window

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