Friday, June 24, 2011

Monday in SA

Monday - sunny and hot. A repeat of Sunday. We decided to take the Wyndham Shuttle to Guenther House for breakfast - a big hit! It's the site of a historic mill, and they grind their own flour. I had the oatmeal pancake with pecan syrup along with fruit. Delish!
After we ate, we walked through the beautiful housing area back towards the Riverwalk, with a stop along the way at the Icehouse. We eventually ended up back by the Alamo at an old bar with gazillions of stuffed heads on the wall - but decided not to pay $$ a piece to go through their museum.
That night we walked to the Market area for a meal at the recommended Mexican food joint. It was crowded and had strolling musicians and colors galore in the huge restaurant. When we were seated, we found the menu to be suspiciously like our own Casa de Oro...hmmm. Except for Mexican Elvis in the background...It was fun though, and had a bakery attached.

Elvis Alert! behind guy in red. This one had very bad teeth!

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