Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Snappy marital repartee

for those of you who aren't into vocabulary, the word means "banter". Paul and I traded texts yesterday that kept me smiling internally all day. Ya see I appreciate cleverness - even if it's my own, but especially when it comes from others close to me.
Paul tried to talk me into coming home Tuesday night from Des Moines - I kept trying to justify it, but felt I needed to be at the office Wednesday morning after being out Tuesday all day at a meeting. Plus I had dropped a glove at Valley West Mall last week (I hoped it was at Joan's but no such luck).

It when like this: I had a wild hair and sent this text to Paul yesterday a.m.
If loving you is wrong, I don't wanna be right....but I must stay here tonight for operation glove rescue at Valley West Mall. And work.

He sent back:
Nice line. now i know i rank just below gloves.

And I said:
you're above mittens though!

He said:

Now that's funny! We're good together - he and I, even after all these years. He gets me. And when I start treating him badly - taking him for granted, he finally snaps and treats me badly back so I snap out of it. And when he gets all into himself hunting and watching the Packers, I get bitchy and he figures out that he should be sorry. Give and take - that's what marriage is all about.

In our house there is very little yelling and few angry words - at least directed at each other. I grew up with some of that, and learned I don't much like conflict. Of course I am 53 now and occasionally can be provoked at work or a sporting event - too little estrogen left to oppose all the testosterone I suppose. Or, perhaps it's all those years of squelching my true feelings - all those times I wanted to say, "hell no I don't want to clean up after the men at work and get paid $.50 to their $1.00." But didn't. My muffler slips off every once in a while. But not usually with my beloved Pablo the Poolboy.

I did go on my Glove seach mission - no luck. So I bought a new pair and returned to Joan's place in Waukee. When I popped open my computer and took a look at the weather I saw that today may hold some freezing rain. Crap! I thought it over while I ate supper, and Joan came in. Then I made the break - around 7:45 PM I headed for Creston. Paul got his way after all - and he ranks above those gloves after all!

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