Today nearly everyone I work with attended a training session on Time Management. I aced it. Or I would have, had we been graded on our present lifestyle.
I already knew I was an organized person. And I live with another organized person - Paul George Goldsmith. In many ways he's more organized than I. And there was "the Big O" Jolene MaGill - who organized our ski trip sophomore year - down to who brought what article of food - very specific (in a crazy way). But I digress - I was talking all about me!
Our trainer, Carol Tripp teaches several courses for the State of Iowa and teaches for Phoenix University as well. She's an Iowa native who did her graduate work in California and lived there for many years until she and her husband (a Cali guy) moved back to Marshall County. Interestingly (to we trash folk) he's an IT guy for a large garbage company who owns a hauling company and a transfer station in Ventura, California. He does his work online.
Back to me. We worked our way through a booklet she put together - talking about being organized in our own personal lives, and at work. Carol spoke of being on time. "If you're not early, you're late!" Thank you Dave Bullock for teaching me for that. I think we have successfully trained Amy and Jud on this important point.
Prepare for morning the night before. Aha! Again - I'm ahead of the curve by putting my purse in the same chair each night at Joan's. On the nights before I head home, I take my laundry bag out to the car so I don't have as much to carry. On Sundays of course, I pack my bag and put stuff in the car for the next a.m.
So did I learn anything new at this training? Yep! We talked about peak times. I've known for most of my life that I'm a morning person, but have never considered that I should schedule my toughest jobs during that time. Also I am not a phone person - I avoid calling people if I can. Carol suggested scheduling tasks you usually procrastinate doing - just set a time to do that each day.
We also talked quite a bit about trimming the unnecessary things out of our day. I must say I don't have a lot of interruptions at work. If anything I go bother others when I'm bored. And I tend to be my own worst work flow interrupter - stopping to check personal emails and read media etc. I have work ADD at times I guess!
The training got a little long in the afternoon (after all, I do already know it all...) and I was heading home to Creston after the class. So I was ready for it to be over at 4 PM. Overall a pretty good day though. I will go back and be a little better organized thanks to this training.
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