Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sick and fragile ego

I'm sick. Just like many people in cubicle land who are hacking, sneezing and I've heard complaining of illness, I'm sick. Sinus infection - after all fall of suffering through allergy-land. It's finally got me! Or it was all those germy bottles I dug out of the trash last weekend.

Regardless, 1 scratchy throat and drippy nose later I called Sheryl Young ARNP to get some meds. Sheryl used to practice in Creston but moved to DM a few years ago so I saw her here back before my female problems. Then she moved from a clinic in Johnston to a clinic way on SW 9th and I haven't needed to see her - went to another woman in Creston for my physical. But she fixed me up with some drugs to combat these symptoms.

Between my cold symptoms, the election and my fragile, battered ego I hardly slept a wink last night. I kept reliving that "thump" of the deer bouncing off the front of the car. Another $500 deductible. I kept trying to tell myself that we have saved a great deal of money through the years by jacking up our deductible amount. But I'm up to $1,000 in 2 weeks damn it! Think how many shoes that could have purchased...

And feeling angry about all the $$ from outside Iowa spent to unseat judges who made the decision to allow same-sex marriage. Great, now cash is king when it comes to court decisions. I hope those who unleashed that particular monster are happy with the consequences when it goes against them someday. Courts should be above politics!


amy e. goldsmith said...

whenever life throws unexpected expenses at me, i think of all the things i haven't done that could potentially cost me lots of $$. so this is for you--

you've never gotten divorced, a dui, a crazy amount of parking tix, children in college for over 4 years. you haven't had to pay for my wedding (...yet, but let's all pray someday that it happens) and you're sane enough to avoid expensive psychologist bills, i could go on...and it's your birthday tomorrow! i think that by 53 you're allowed a few minor animal / car glitches.

Alternative LMG said...

Just checking up on you as it is your birthday and all....Four years ago I got a new car which was pretty exciting to me because I don't drive much and it takes me decades to use up a vehicle. Anyway, I got my dream car--a Cadillac DeVille. Had it for maybe a week and then got the new license plates for it. Put them on Saturday afternoon...totaled the front end Saturday 5:30p.m. when we hit a buck. Good news--the semi in the other lane that hit the second deer didn't hit us. Enjoy life!! :o) Happy Birthday!!