Thursday, November 11, 2010

Adnah David

And no he was not a nurse. That's what we always thought when we used to see his name on the war memorial in the middle of the park in downtown Atlantic where I grew up. But to the little Bullock girls, the name Adnah sounded, well...kinda like a girl's name. And what would a girl do in the Civil War? She'd be a nurse of course.

But he wasn't. He was an 18 year old boy - only 5' 5" when he mustered out of the Grand Army of the Republic in June 28, 1885. He had joined up for one year with his brother Miles the previous September 2nd, but they must have no longer needed his services. I am the fortunate keeper of the memorabilia - Adnah's medals and the pins from his uniform. They've held up pretty well for items that are now nearly 150 years old.

A couple years ago, when I was between jobs, I spent a great deal of time on genealogy - gathering all the information I could from both sides of my fam and compiling it on my computer. Then I got my present job and stalled out. Today, in honor of Veteran's Day I took time to scan Adnah's medals and ribbons to share with the rest of the family - ah there lies the value of Facebook! I had never taken time to really look at those things before. The bars he wore on his uniform displayed the unit he served in.

Yay for Google! I discovered the initials stand for Light Artillery 1St Regiment Company A. I knew he had joined up in his home state of New York as I have his mustering out papers framed in my living room. Today I found the listing of his enlistment with Miles.

I would like to read in more detail about what happened during the timeframe when he served. I know he and his son Wayne attended the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, though that battle took place before he was a member of the army - in 1863. His obituary though says he joined up at age 16, which would be a year before the official record show?!?
They don't write obits like that anymore - it says he didn't take any drink (what happened to the rest of us AD?) and was proud that he didn't have false teeth - but he did have 2 of his own left! Must have been rare at age 95 back then. I just noticed one of his brothers is listed as being from Earlville - hometown of my beloved Pablo. Small world! (Never mind - that's Earlville, New York - near Sherburne where Adnah was born).

My dad remembered him well as he was around 12 when Adnah passed away. He was quite a character and I wish I could talk to him now - what tales he could tell!

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