Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The witches are out

It was my first witch siting of the year - at Valley West Mall tonight. That means fall can't be far behind! The stars and stripes, flip flops and beach balls are gone. School has started. Summer of '10 is in the rear view mirror baby. Feels like I hardly knew ya! For some reason, this summer passed more quickly even than all the past ones...or is that just my age??

I rode to Atlantic today for a video shoot with a communications guy - Joe - at the landfill facility there. For my EMS pet project - a DVD for our big fall conference coming up in October. Joe and I met the other videographer, Clay there with the new HD movie camera. They had 3 batteries. They were all dead. Crap!

Wendy, the facility director was a good sport about it. (or was she just relieved she didn't have to go on camera??) We really want to do this video in HD, so we decided to go back on September 10 and record footage then. Damn - what a waste of an afternoon!

Funny story - my roomie Joan was cleaning at her husband Billy's place in Diagonal. (I know - we're 2 strange ladies - not living with our spousal units). Anyways...she starts cleaning out the freezer, (uhem Joan you should take a look in your own freezer!) and spots this scrunched up grocery sack. Inside there is this little ball of meatlike substance. "what the heck is that", she ponders. She hesitates to toss it - decides to ask Billy before getting rid of it.

Finally Billy came in for lunch. Joan asked him about the chunk in the freezer. She whipped it out. He looked puzzled - then said "oh that's my little owl!" and turned it around to face her. Sure enough, it was a little owl he had found in his barn. Joan squawked (more like a chicken, not like an owl) alarmed by this turn of events. "What is an owl doing by the food we eat?" Joan asks a lot of questions! I think she tossed it...

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