Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Vewwy, Vewwy Tired

One time when we were camping in Ridgeland, Wisconsin with our good friends the Hustons - Mike was the best man in our wedding, and his parents owned a property there. His whole family (he was the oldest of 5 kids) would be there.

And boy they could party! So one year his brother-in-law Ron (eventually ended up an ex, but still remained close to the family) who celebrated his birthday right around the 4th of July when we were there, really tied one on. He was hung over.

The next morning we were sitting around the camp fire. Ron's wife Lori (Mike Huston's sister) [yes I do realize this short story has become over filled with back-stories and explanations] asked their daughter who was maybe 4 or 5 years old hmmm what was her name - Ashlee? Or was that the younger one? Help me out there in readerland...anyway. Loris asks what's her name to go get Ron up from bed. She was gone a long time.

And she came back by herself. We all looked at her wondering where her daddy was. She stated "Daddy is vewwy, vewwy tiwwed" She couldn't say Rs vewwy um I mean very well. So when I'm pretty tired I always think of Ron - Mike's ex bro-in-law.

Tonight - I'm beat. Had to get up at 4:45 a.m. to meet Shelly a colleague at Ankeny Wal-Mart at 5:45 a.m. for a long drive down to Appanoose County for a meeting and to film for a project. Once again the HD cameras defeated the film guy and we had to reschedule. Technology again conquers man! Now Joe the videographer must go back and film on Friday. Other than that the meeting went well.

But I'm tiwwed.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Liked it

The movie Eat, Pray Love was good. I especially liked the Rome part - the outside of the apartment looked like Amy's place that we got to see when we went there. And inside the big door - there was a small lift and stairs too. But Julia Roberts (playing Liz) only had a tub for bathing - and it had to be heated with boiling water. Amy had a shower and a spiral staircase.

I enjoyed watching the sensual experience they portrayed dining as in Italy. I appreciate Italians not wanting to be busy all the time. Perhaps I have a little Italian in me - no? I'm not one of those - I must constantly prove my worth by doing stuff people.

Of course the book is better than the movie - there so much more to it. More explanation of events and background. I did like the casting though - good all around.

I've seen the real Liz on Oprah. I like her - she seems like someone I'd like to meet. Bali looks like a cool place go. How is it that a tropical looking place like that has no bugs? That's just not fair.

The Strand Theater needs a better sound system or my ears are going. I had a very tough time understanding much of the accented dialogue. And I'm usually pretty good at that.

note - I've been having a rash of migraines - thanks to allergy season I suppose. It's my first string of headaches since I've been taking Topamax. I'd forgotten what it was like to have them day after day. It's something I haven't missed a bit.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Going to Eat, Pray, Love

I'll report back after I see it. Read the book a year+ ago. Saw the author on Oprah and liked her. Bought the book for Amy to read - thought she'd enjoy it as the "eat" part is in Italy.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Love 'O my life

Today is Paul and my 28th Anniversary. Congratulations to us! Since the date actually fell on a Saturday this year, I've been thinking about events of all those many years ago and ...(wayback machine, wavy lines indicating memory).

When I met Mr. Paul G. Goldsmith back in the fall of 1978. We were at Aunt Maude's. No - that's not my aunt's place, it's a restaurant in Ames - still there today. Back then they had great hors d'ouevres on Friday nights (FAC - Friday Afternoon Club). So we'd head there for drinks and a meals worth of munchie.

Sal, Jane, Vic and I had moved into our apartment at 230 Campus Avenue and discovered that our friends from skiing and 1st Floor of Maple Hall were also living in that complex - a couple doors down. They had some cute guys living in their section - and we all ended up at Maude's that afternoon. The guys - Schneid and Schultzie introduced us to their friend Goldy who had been away that fall doing an internship someplace in SW Iowa. I didn't think much of meeting him - no sparks flew or anything.

That next spring, Goldy came to our door soliciting players for his coed softball team - Sal, Jane and I were on board. Goldy seemed very organized and serious about the whole thing - we actually practiced and ended up being pretty good. I recall seeing him walk by with a date one time when we chicks were on the deck in front of the apartment. (We'd put Jane's 13" black and white TV out there to watch soap operas)

So it was surprising when he first asked me out. In fact I'm a bit fuzzy on the whole order of what happened when. Maybe there was alcohol involved...He wanted me to mend and wash his filthy baseball pants - that sticks in my mind! My roomies and I chuckled over that one. He had me over to his apartment and cooked a deer roast - I bit into a beebee. Other than that it was good though! I thought he was nice enough, but didn't figure him for the love of my life - he was pretty rough around the edges - a real farm boy who needed some work.

But I did enjoy his love of wildlife. One of our early dates he took me to Emma McCarthy Lee (sp?) Park in Ames where we checked his traps for voles - a project for a class. When he found one, he'd snip its toenail and let it go. And I liked his friends - mostly from his dorm floor at the Towers - Baker. Nice group of guys and they all liked him.

The summer of 1979 I became his softball groupie. I stayed in Ames for the summer - Vic and I followed Minsky's slo pitch team that Paul and Fred played on. It was fun partying with the team after games. We even went to tournaments - one was near Atlantic so we stopped in at my folks house and they got to meet him as Goldy. Vic and Fred were with us too. Even then I thought - well it's probably a temporary thing until I meet Mr. Right.

College - senior year. I keep seeing Paul, but not one of those "I must be with you all the time" things. We hung out with Moose and Steve, had parties, and organized a huge group to ski including all Paul's buddies and my buddies - some 20+ people total in one condo. Good time. We spent more time getting to know each other (more wavy lines and hearts).

By graduation, Mom and Dad figured out that Goldy was my "boyfriend" and I had met some of Paul's family (he told them he was bringing a surprise to a Sunday meal - they were prolly expecting a ham...). I went off to Sioux Falls to work. He had a quarter of school to finish up. I was damn lonely - away from my friends, no peers etc. Angst on the phone. Paul sent love letters. He drove all the way to see me. We spent a lot of time really getting to know each other without the distractions of our other friends and activities of college.

I discovered he is a wonderful guy, very loyal and caring. Not always the most romantic - but then, neither am I. He's even tempered and fun to travel with. We share an interest in team sports - mostly basketball and football, but we grew to love volleyball and soccer too years later. So after my first few months in Sioux Falls, and my move to Omaha in 1981, I knew he was the one for me!

I'm not sure what my parents thought. Paul had rough edges - farm kid who had good family support, but he was not schooled in the ways of the Country Club. (I have done wonders with his clothing selection - just ask his sisters..) I'm sure parents secretly hope their children will marry someone rich so they won't have to ever worry about money. That was not the case with us. Neither of our jobs made us rich! My engagement ring is the size most of today's brides would use to compliment their "real" diamond.

But through the years my parents came to appreciate Paul as a great son-in-law - dependable and a great husband and daddy. Recently at niece Leslie's wedding, Jordan made some comment about our marriage - can't quite remember how she put it, but it was a compliment. I've heard it from others too.

It's not perfect. We argue and treat each other poorly - what 2 people could ever live together this long and not? But I can't think of anyone I want by my side more in good times and in bad. Marriages are living things - they grow and change along with the people or they die. After 28 years ours is still alive and kicking!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First day of school

I took a short walk tonight when I got home - still trying to loosen up that tailbone injury ya know. You know what looks worse than my thighs in Kohls mirror in a swimsuit at the end of winter? My ass with a bruise.,

Anyway, while walking, the late August sun on my back made me feel like "Back to School" time. I got a bit nostalgic for the days when Amy and Jud were school kids. They each started their educations at Creative Beginnings - a pre-school in Creston run by two sisters, Mrs. Drey and Mrs. Weeda. They are awesome teachers and get the kids more than prepared for kindergarten. In fact - Kgarten was still half day when our kids went, and it seemed boring after Creative Beginnings (CB)!

Amy attended CB with Krissy McFee, Ryan McKim and Brett Peterson. Jud went with Kimmy McFee, Keith Peterson and Katie McKim. We all carpooled, which made it more convenient. Parents took turns bringing a healthy snack and kids also had to take other homework assignments like a map of Ireland - not so easy back in the pre Internet days! We lived for "parent teacher conference" so we could hear how wonderful our children were!

Then the kids moved on to St. Malachy. We were so fortunate to have such a great school in our town - it was one of the things that kept us in town. We had planned on moving on - staying in Creston for just a few years and then Paul would apply for a job elsewhere. I hadn't planned to live an hour from my hometown! But a good education for our children (and fun and quirky people for us to drink and hang out with) trumped that other stuff. So we stayed.

I'm glad we did. And we went through lots of "first days of school" for the kids. New backpacks, new shoes and outfits. Amy would label all the school supplies (for both kids) in her neatest handwriting. Sometimes even individual crayons! Jud wasn't ever that excited. And on the first day Moki and I would walk the kids down the street to the bus. I'd watch until the big yellow buses took off. Then I'd go home and have a big bloody mary. haha just kidding! I should have though!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The witches are out

It was my first witch siting of the year - at Valley West Mall tonight. That means fall can't be far behind! The stars and stripes, flip flops and beach balls are gone. School has started. Summer of '10 is in the rear view mirror baby. Feels like I hardly knew ya! For some reason, this summer passed more quickly even than all the past ones...or is that just my age??

I rode to Atlantic today for a video shoot with a communications guy - Joe - at the landfill facility there. For my EMS pet project - a DVD for our big fall conference coming up in October. Joe and I met the other videographer, Clay there with the new HD movie camera. They had 3 batteries. They were all dead. Crap!

Wendy, the facility director was a good sport about it. (or was she just relieved she didn't have to go on camera??) We really want to do this video in HD, so we decided to go back on September 10 and record footage then. Damn - what a waste of an afternoon!

Funny story - my roomie Joan was cleaning at her husband Billy's place in Diagonal. (I know - we're 2 strange ladies - not living with our spousal units). Anyways...she starts cleaning out the freezer, (uhem Joan you should take a look in your own freezer!) and spots this scrunched up grocery sack. Inside there is this little ball of meatlike substance. "what the heck is that", she ponders. She hesitates to toss it - decides to ask Billy before getting rid of it.

Finally Billy came in for lunch. Joan asked him about the chunk in the freezer. She whipped it out. He looked puzzled - then said "oh that's my little owl!" and turned it around to face her. Sure enough, it was a little owl he had found in his barn. Joan squawked (more like a chicken, not like an owl) alarmed by this turn of events. "What is an owl doing by the food we eat?" Joan asks a lot of questions! I think she tossed it...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I am now officially the clumsy sister

Betso bean used to be it. The clumsy sister. When we were little she was skinny and gawky - and, well...clumsy. She got stitches twice just because she was klutzy. She fell down a lot.

Oh Susi broke her wrist swinging on Germain's willow tree - it was just a "green" break" whatever that meant. And Cindo broke her wrist (or was it her collar bone?) on the concrete stairs outside our back door, when it was icy. She says Mom told her to "suck it up" and then days later it was still painful and it was revealed to be a break. Mom wasn't known for rushing us to the Doc. I did the "run from boys", jump off slide, break arm thing in nursery school. But we weren't uncoordinated.

Betsy was. One time I think we were playing in the woods - that 10 yard wide stretch of trees in the lot next to our house. We were always building forts and "houses" in there - pioneers that we were. That day this particular fort had a door with a doorbell. When Betsy rang the doorbell, the door frame fell on her head and yep, stitches.

Our mother was a trendsetter when it came to home decorating. That's where I got my eclectic style from anyway. She put hardwood floors in our house when most people still had linoleum. We all liked to slide around it in our socks - we'd get a running start from our bedroom and slide down the front hallway into the kitchen. Except one time when Dad had gotten home and put his leather briefcase down and Betso tripped up somehow and fell headfirst into it. Stitches.

Then there was the time she touched Swisher's dog's bad leg - it bit her right on the cheek. Lulabelle, our babysitter when Mom was out of town overnight was doing double duty - sitting Annie Swisher and us. So we were at Swishers when it happened. We rushed downtown to Dr. Wilcox's office (that was in the days before the new medical clinic). It was bleeding like a bitch!

We were in back and the nurse was trying to give tiny little Bets a tetanus shot - when Betsy bit her. Then the nurse had to have a tetanus shot. Take that shot giving nurse. I may be Bitsy Betsy Bullock but I bite! Finally Dr. Wilcox got Betsy's cheek stitched up (with 4 or so people holding her down - the little wildcat). Later in life, she had microsurgery to stitch it up finer and today you can hardly tell it was chomped on.

Back to me and my clumsiness. You may recall my stair incident at Joan's last October. Broken foot - it's fine now by the way. I noticed on Betsy's Facebook (yes this is all her fault too) that she was working on her cupboards cleaning. I though - I too should do that! So after being in my happy place yesterday a.m. I whipped out the Old Gold and began to oil up the cupboards we installed in 2007. They're tall so I got a stool Paul built when the kids were small.

Bad idea! I was on the bamboo floor - slick. I started on the door above the dishwasher. As I scooted to the edge of the stool to reach up to do the top of the first cupboard, the stool tipped up and shot out from under me! I flew through the air (and not with the greatest of ease) landing in the walkway to the table tailbone first - lucky to miss hitting my head on the counter.

I gasped/grunted. Odie took this to mean "Mommy wants to play!" and jumped on my chest licking my face. Paul was at work (yes it was Saturday - he is a dedicated public servant working overtime for nothing). I assessed whether or not I was paralyzed. My toes wiggled. My tailbone hurt! Tears welled in my eyes. I stayed there a while, then slowly got up. Painful buttocks area, but liveable.

Mad! What a dumbshit I am! Is this what I am to be like in old age? A tottering old woman who falls a lot? Am I a broken hip waiting to happen. I'll tell you after falling last year I am now a confirmed handrail holder on stairs. I took Motrin and continued doing cupboards in pain. Left the high stuff for Paul - fu&% the stool - why did I choose that one? Why don't we have a safe stepladder thingy like most families?

I was going to kayak today with Deb - I need a Deb kayak fix. Now I fear that's out, unless I break out the good painkillers. The tailbone is quite sore - mostly when I get up or sit down, and go up steps. Hope nothing is cracked.

But I sure wish I had a video of me flying through the air. That had to be funny!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

In my happy place

Kayaking is another happy place!

Marco Island - my annual Happy Place

My buddy Bobbie is in her "happy place" down at Lake of the Ozarks. I think she has other places that make her happy. I know she likes to sit on her deck.

This morning Pablo and I got up and did a 6 mile walk. I wasn't up for the 9 miler Deb and the other gals were doing. I admit I've been slacking on training - and not just on weekends. Deb, Susan, Patti, Bobbie, Diana, Pat - all work out most days of the week. Since July, I've averaged maybe 1 or 2 days if I'm lucky that I get walks in.

Working out is just easier when I have peer pressure - that group that I know will ask "where were you?" if I don't show up. With this work schedule it's just too easy to come up with excuses. And I do. I could get up at 5 am, walk 4 miles and still make it to work before 7:30, only an hour later than I go in now. I know I'm better at exercising in the a.m. than in the p.m. But I don't.

And weekends - forget about it these past few weeks. I've been on vacation. Did take walking clothes along, but am just not disciplined enough to drink and eat all day and then get up and walk. I'm a slug! Plus I've been eating like crap - (see below for a sampling of my diet - deep fat fried corn dog for God's sake!)

I have low self esteem due to my poor self care during this time...
So I gave Paul the talk this a.m. during our walk. I asked him not to submarine my efforts. I want to eat healthier again - get back on the straight and narrow path to better overall self care.

After our walk this a.m. I'm in one of my happy places. On my deck writing this blog. I haven't gotten enough deck time this summer. Too much rain and running around. Not enough home time. Got my computer, my book. Earlier my baby girl called so I got to chat with her. Ahhhh.

Other happy places: most vacation spots. My happiest place: Marco Island, Florida - just got plane tickets for 2011 - April 9-18. Wahoo!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Odd food

Corndog - yum!

Okay I didn't point it the right way to show the cow.

A little lighter topic tonight. Food. I've been on a strange and awful diet this summer. Now that my fair duty and vacations are over I hope to get back on the straight and narrow. And more healthy (hint to self...hint to inner strength).

Last weekend in between Twisted Tea and yes, Jaegger Bombs (Diana and I had to do something to wake those old people up on Saturday night!) we did sneak in a few bites of food. Al and Sharon cooked up "bag-o-omelets" Saturday a.m.
Recipe -
A bunch of eggs
stuff for omelets like:
shredded cheese
anything else you like in eggs

Start a large pot of water boiling - like you were going to help someone having a baby.
Put the number of eggs you like in a bowl with a bit of milk - beat like you mean it
add ingredients you like
pour into a quart size ziplock and seal
drop into the pot of water and cook for around 15 minutes or until set
When it's done, it won't be brown - just cooked
Mine was shaped a bit like a cow without legs, though Al said he couldn't see it. He has no imagination! It was deliciouso and quite healthy - no grease.

PS - My first experience with a Jaegger Bomb went pretty well - it came in a special cup with the booze in the middle and the energy drink around the outside. It really was not a bad concoction. So I had one the next day at another bar as I was feeling sluggish in the afternoon. This one was all mixed together - I sipped it with water. Sharon said I talked fast later, but I think I always do.

Today I was back at the fair. When one attend the Iowa State Fair one must eat something on a stick. I chose a corndog - footlong with mustard. See photo I made a poor unsuspecting seatmate take. I did not select the fare from the booth below as I didn't want to feel my arteries hardening as I chewed.

Next week - dry mixed vegetables!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Oh Betty

Update 8/20 - went to Visitation for Betty last night in Mallard - my first trip to that clean little burg. A tribute to the McKim family how many Creston folk made the nearly 3 hour trip from Creston for the evening. While we were there (and that wasn't until nearly 7 PM and it started at 3 PM) we saw Bucks, Stofferahns, Nielsons, Mosteks, Conovers, Bergstroms, Dan and Denise Miller, Pals, McKees. I know Higgins and Casses were there too before we got there.
We rode with Steve Crittenden and Jeff McFee - I drove to the place off I-80 north of Greenfield after work where I met those guys with Paul.
Thinking back, in times of tragedy, Don and Diana are often first on the scene to offer comfort. I remember when Patrick died - they came and sat in our living room. I know they went right out the Crittenden's after Eric tragically took his own life. They've been here for all of us. And people wanted to give a little back.
Betty's death has made me feel so weepy. I confess I made Diana cry as I went through the receiving line last night. (sorry Dee) She was doing so well too. It makes me miss Dad, and Mom too I suppose - though it's been so long since she passed.
On the way home we stopped at an Udder something place for pork tenderloins as Dwight Conover suggested. Several other Crestonites were there. It was quite delicious.
Pic above:
Betty with grand daughter Katie McKim.
We've had many a fun time through the past 23 years with our friends the McKims - including last weekend. They rode with us to Osage Beach as all of us had to work through Thursday morning and the rest of the kids were able to leave before that. I met Diana as I did many of my Creston friends thanks to sorority.

When I first went to ISU I went out for rush - to get into a sorority like my mom and my sister Cindy had. But the greek system at Iowa State was huge back then and I didn't cut it - bounced for not being cool enough. It was very traumatic - until I met Vicki the first week of school and moved on.

So it was surprising that another sorority - for grown women - helped us meet so many people when we were new to Creston. Sharon Higgins, Bobbie McFee and Diana McKim were just a few of the soon to be great friends that I met in 1987. Sorority involved not only meetings with just the chicks - we also had social events, when our husbands were allowed to take part. Hayrides, traveling dinners, card parties - and more.

McFees and McKims had children our children's ages - so we ended up carpooling for pre-school together. And so it went, soccer teams and other activities our lives have been intertwined. Another great unifier with the McKims is the fact that they are huge Cyclone fans! A lonely place to be during the 15 years straight when the Hawkeyes were kicking our asses. When Jud scared us (I thought he was dying in the bathtub) when he was just over 1, and we rushed to the hospital, it was Diana I called to come get Amy while we waited for the docs to figure out why his temp had shot up (roseola - not meningitis thank goodness). They're those kinda friends.

We've shared joys through the years- Creston Panthers state basketball victory in 1997! Finally beating Iowa - was it later that same year in football. McKims have been with us through some of our sad time - when Patrick and our parents died they cried with us.

Through the years we've gotten to know their parents - at graduations and family events. And lately they've even gotten to know us - they come to tailgate at ISU games. Last year at the ISU Bowl Game in Tempe, Diana and Don's parents came up from their winter homes just south of there to attend the game with us.

Diana's Mom Betty is such a warm person - she hated to see me so nervous at the end of the ISU/Minnesota game - when the Cyclone were in danger of losing. I put my face in my lap - afraid to watch. Betty was behind me - patting my back "it be okay" she said in her lilted Italian accent. Jim, D's father had met her after the war in Italy and married her.

Yesterday I learned that Betty was killed in a car accident. I am so very sad. Even though Betty was getting on in years, a tragic death for all. We're all hurting for the Brown/McKim family.
Obituary of Betty's life - such an interesting story of how she ended up in Mallard, Iowa. http://www.messengernews.net/page/content.detail/id/527178.html?nav=5011

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Zarks

Just back from our trip to the Ozarks - Osage Beach. Not to be confused with our former home, Osage, Iowa. Osage Beach, Missouri is a 5+ hour drive from here - mostly south but a bit east.

We took off after noon Thursday - picked up McKims to ride with us. McFees, Higgins (our hosts) and Eckhoffs (McKims neighbors and other lake homeowners) were already there. We arrived around 7 ish - just in time to hop in the boat and drive to a local bar with karaoke. We danced and sang - the DJ played the cupid shuffle - twice! It was fun.

The rest of the weekend consisted of eating, drinking, floating, boating with good friends. What could be more relaxing? Higgins and Eckhoffs have great places and boats, plus they know the lake like the back of their hands. We hit coves and floated in water less hot than the air, with refreshing bevvies. Yesterday some tiny flying fish threatened to freak out our relaxation. But our mens surrounded us and protected us from the scary fish. (not really but it sounded good)

I have got to admit - this brutal schedule of work...vacation...work...vacation has been wonderful! I am hooked on going places, despite having to get home, do laundry etc. and get ready to go back to DM a.m.

Most of all, through our summer of travels, Paul and I realize over and over how blessed we are to have not only each other, but lots of wonderful friends and relatives to share these times with. On our way home today we pondered where we might go next year?!?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Water Water Everywhere...

Ames looks so sad - flooded yet again. Jud's friends had to purchase ice to melt into drinking water as all the water was gone from the store in Ames when they got there. Of course Wal-Mart and Target are both under water, so that takes out some of the places to buy those things...

Need to go pack for Osage Beach. I'm nervous - not in decent drinking condition. Not sure if I can keep up with my buddies this year. But I'll give it the 'ol college try. And be damn glad I have migraine drugs.

It's a longish drive down there - something like 6.5 hours to Sharon and Al Higgins beautiful home away from home. We got to go last year and had a great time. This year it's supposed to be very very hot. In the good news department, this year I am cleared to actually get into the lake this year (last year I was in recovery from my hysterectomy when we were there).

My lil buddy Jud is home briefly after his internship at John Deere. Man did that kid learn some shit! He is a learned man now - and has many new experiences under his belt. Trips to Chicago, tubing, first solo flight - all by himself, not that he was the pilot. Even driving over there and finding all the places he needed to be and figuring out how to do his job and give his big presentation at the end - that was all huge for Juddy. College senior. Gee seems like Amy was just there...wonder if Jud will streak central like Amy did the night of graduation...naw...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Salad Days

Stopped at Target after work - picked up a deliciouso chix salad for supper. Though this one wasn't quite as fresh as the last one I got there. Greens - not iceberg, a nice grilled chicken breast, goat cheese, dried cherries, and large walnuts with poppy seed dressing.

At lunch the permitting staff had food day. They neglected to invite me - even though I attend their staff meetings and work quite closely with them. Bummer - they still forget me. So not knowing about food day, I wandered back to heat up my burger, left over from Sunday at home. There they were, eating away.

Matt Phoenix, one of the engineers, kindly offered me some of the ribs he had prepared and cooked. They smelled awesome. I took a chunk for tomorrow - can't wait. Then I stood and chatted with the staff members. I'm sure they wouldn't have minded if I would have joined in eating. But I didn't. I also don't partake in their birthday gatherings - except for Becky, who makes a point to invite me.

If my new boss (since my boss Al retired) turns out to be a schmuck or won't allow me to work from home, I may scootch over to the permitting/solid waste department. Then I'll be invited. Maybe.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Compliment Ho

It was 93 and overcast when I drove home to Joan's from work today. Now that's oven-like. Humid and HOT.

I'll admit it. I've become quite the compliment Ho. My purse made me do it. My Dooney and Bourke purse has garnered at least 20 compliments in the past few months. I relish them.

Exciting story coming to you from Pat Moeller. At breakfast today (with my homies at S&K) Pat related the excited at her house Saturday night. It seems Pat and spouse Steve were in bed about 11:30 PM. We won't speculate just what they were up to, (but I don't think they were asleep). Son Steven (Jud's age) was downtown at the bars, so the front door wasn't locked.

They heard a commotion at the front door, and the dogs making noises. Suddenly a noise at their bedroom door at the back of the house. Steve got up and Pat heard him say "what are you doing?" When she got out there, Steve was trying to herd some guy out the door. They could see the police lights flashing outside. They guy had hit a car on the street and was trying to evade the cops, right through their bedroom...pretty bold. He must have been high or something. Scary, crazy.

Roomie Joan had 2 teeth pulled tonight. Her whole mouth has been numb all night poor thing. Baby teeth with exposed roots. She's hoping to replace with implants but the insurance company has denied so far.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Excellent long weekend!

Strapped the kayaks on the Subaru and headed NE. Stop 1 was at Fox River Mills in Osage - visited with Karla Smith, who I worked with back the the day (1984-1986) in the computer dept. there. Jeez I think they still have the same carpet and paneling at the plant! Good to see her.

Then on to the FMC Landfill about 15 miles away for some work. I like visiting sites so I can picture them when I talk to directors etc. Spent about an hour there with a short tour - you'd think Ken, the director doesn't get many visitors. He didn't want us to leave! He gave me a pint of pickles he canned himself - kinda sweet (the gesture though I'm sure the pickles are sweet too).

On to Decorah - Hotel Winneshiek. Lovely place, nice folks. Downtown Decorah is worth a visit - some nice restaurants and shops. We ended up at a hoppin' sports bar. The next a.m. I stopped at the Decorah Recycling facility and met with the manager and the landfill director there. Took about an hour then we were off to kayak - yippy!

Took off about 11 a.m. - beautiful day. River was busy but not packed like I'm sure it was all weekend. We stopped a bit after noon to eat our sandwiches on a sandbar. The river was high for August but not scary high. A couple bald eagles flew overhead. The terrain was lovely as usual - limestone peaks, exciting riffles to scoot over in my kayak. All too soon - around 2:30 PM we were done, pulling in at Hruska's Campground for our ride back to our car. Our poor Necky kayaks were dust covered from gravel when we arrived.

We got to jail around 4 PM. That's the Jailhouse Bed & Breakfast in Preston, MN for the Goldsmith reunion. Ken, Mary and Carol were there. Off to the Branding Iron at 6 PM for supper - met Foxes, Kelli and Denny, Vorwalds and Larry and Regina there. Somebody was having a 75th bday - noise level was jet engine level and not from the Goldsmiths!

Next day it was golf for some, Regina biked and I shopped with Mary. Last night's meal was catered at the Jail, followed by cards and hanging out. A couple grandkids arrived with their own children for that event - Annette with Megan/Caleb and Karen (Andy golfed) and Erik and Mark.

We took off around 10 AM and were home by 2:30 PM this afternoon - in time to go through the usual routine of laundry packing etc. Breakfast tomorrow with the homegirls - except Teacher (Deb) won't be there as she's on vaca. Another 3 day week for me as we're off to the Ozarks Thursday with friends. I like this schedule!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Upper Iowa, Hotel Winn Rotunda, and the front of the Jailhouse Inn

It's the eve of traveling to the Goldsmith fam reunion aka Goldsmith Golf tourney - though some of us wiser family members have chosen not to waste, ah spend our hard earned $$ on flogging.

In past years we've taken turns traveling around to sites at or near siblings home. This year we've decided to try something new - we're going exotic. We're going to jail - the Jailhouse Bed and Breakfast at Preston, MN. It's a place my buddy Deb and I have gone for kayaking in past years. Then Paul and I stayed there along with Jud a few years back on our way home from a Goldsmith reunion in Port Washington, WI. Jud was shocked to find out there was no TV! We had to play board games all night - more fun anyway.

The Jail is a delightful place all beautifully restored - large enough to fit most of the 7 remaining siblings. Each room (named for a past jailer) has its own bath. We're having the staff cater the Saturday meal after the golfers are done. Some of the fam - the ones with kids/grandkids coming are staying in Rochester at a place with a pool.

I can do all of this using No vacation time. How you ask? I am taking this opportunity to visit 2 landfills I've been meaning to get to. Hah! Won't they be surprised when I come driving in with my spousal unit and kayaks on top of my Subaru. It's win-win-win. I get to drive most of the way to the reunion on the state's nickel and on their time. The state gets some presence and oversight of a couple little visited places. And the environment is spared one trips by my combining two into one!

After a stop tomorrow at the FMC Landfill just outside of our former home in Osage we plan to stay at the beautiful Hotel Winneshiek. I'm pretending it's our anniversary that night - unless I get too tired. (one can do that when one has been married some 28 years...). I'm looking forward to looking around Decorah too. The next day - it's off to the Winneshiek recycling facility. Woohoo! It's what I live for...

Then on to kayaking - either the Root or the Upper Iowa, if it's not too flooded. Gorgeous sheer cliffs and bald eagles - you would never know you're in Iowa there. One year, Deb and I did the upper end of that bad boy - if you're lucky, one day I'll tell you that tale...it involves tippy canoes (or kayaks), lost bridges (the mouth kind - due to Milk Duds), and cattle crossings. Exciting - no?

I'm looking forward to seeing the fam. We all talk at once! Except for the quiet ones (there are a few). More next week. With photos!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Do you have any towns or neighborhoods that always get you lost? Altoona Iowa is such a place for me. I went to the public library there today for a meeting. It was probably the tenth time I've been there. And it's not that big a town - a suburb on the east side of the metroplex.

But yes, once again. Lost. Thought I would try a new route today since the others have not been good to me. I ended up a Prairie Meadows - the racetrack and casino. Not the library. Lucky I built in extra time for wandering about lost. Eventually I found it - again.

I AM good at the route between the library and the newish Bass Pro Shop built along I-80. Purchased some board shorts and a swimsuit coverup (for our upcoming Ozarks trip) plus some shorts for Pablo.

Then I got lost again. This town - it has my number. I saw a TO I-80 sign, but then they fooled me by saying Mason City on the next sign, making me think it wasn't the right road. So I ended up heading towards DSM on a highway - which is okay. but then I ended up on some blacktop that ran sorta parallel to I-80, weaving under it a couple times.

When I eventually did get on the Interstate - dammit! I was on I-35 heading towards Ames. Yes, I spent an extra hour or so driving around lost today. I did get to see a few sites around DSM I never knew of before. Like Norwoodville - it's just SW of the 80-235 interchange. Now I know.

Once I hopped back on 80 I knew where the hell I was again. Phew! Stopped at the Waukee Library (that I know how to find), and came home to Joan's and put on my walking clothes. I needed a walk! It was a long contentious work meeting today. Dang. Sweating, thinking deep thoughts, listening to my iPod. But I wasn't lost.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Back at it

After a week of being home, I'm back at it in Des Moines (that's French for The Moines). I drove up this morning in a light rain, with crazy lightning in the horizon. I was hoping it wouldn't take out me lil Subaru.

Driving I'm listening to a book of okay not great suspense short stories. I'm thankful to be in good health. Glad I have a job to go to. It was tough to leave this a.m. Yet it felt good to be - gasp - back in my cubicle. I feel more productive there. I can get stuff done at home, but I just don't feel as businesslike sitting in my big chair. I suppose I should sit in at the desk. But I don't.

It did feel like a long day though - got here at 7 a.m. and worked until 5 p.m. Headed to Jordan Creek to get my shopping fix. I need a book for vacation - one I can take on a boat without worry I might drop it in the water (not a library book). wanted to check out sale stuff too. Got a nice silky shirt for $11. Book was $6. Salad at Wendy's for $6. Apple walnut. Joan got home shortly after I did. We made a joint decision against a walk. Too sultry. The weather not the old ladies...

My quiet little life in Des Moines.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Best weather weekend 'o the summer

Had to get to August to get it! What a strange weather year we're experiencing. I won't get into the whole global warming argument here - just suffice to say, it's frickin' not normal! We had an awful winter - brutal in fact (just look back at my constant bitching through March and you'll see).

April wasn't too bad. Since then - on-going rain throughout Iowa, causing awful flooding for lots of families. I can only complain because it's effect on my disposition and my daily activities. I've not had to deal with wet basements and flooded front rooms thank goodness. This summer has been brutal - just like winter, only uh, warmish.

Friday night was quite humid as we'd had rain in brief bouts through the afternoon. Then the sun came out and it was hot. I was still a bit bloated from my surgery, but much better than Thursday - light (gas coming out the..) at the end of my long colon tunnel. Phew!

I picked up some sweet corn on Adams Street on my way home from meeting Paul at the Elms Club for lunch. The Gates fam is known for plump tender ears of corn - bargain for $4/dozen. You just pull up to the curb and roll down your window and they deliver and take your $ - small town service! So we got some Top of Iowa sirloin and bag 'o salad and wa-laa. Instant meal on a Friday night. It was so very yummy. Paul is the bestest steak griller - learned from my daddy.

Headed for Bobbie and Jeff's for proposed deck time after 7 PM, but Jeff, who spends his time in the weather all day farming, could not stand another minute in the hot sun. So we went to the cool confines of A&G where beer and lemondrops were chill. Higgins and McKims were there and they're pretty cool too. I kept it to 1 drink - still in recovery mode. The others were in full swing FAC though! After they all ate we headed to McKim's deck and there we sat until 12:30 a.m. We told bat stories and watched the hazy fog roll in.

So much for walking early Saturday a.m. I slept in until 8:15 and by then it was too hot already! Paul made a big breakfast and we got busy cleaning. (see yesterday's blog)

Last night Deb showed up first - Paul and I were out in the driveway, just like Ma and Pa Kettle sipping bloody marys. Spicy! P whipped up one for her while she received Odie lovin'. We never run out of stuff to talk about with Debbie. Shortly thereafter more folks started rolling in - we had munchies. Fireworks were on at 10ish. Wish I had a photo - but my phone died. Oh, and Betso Bean - the fireflies (aka lightning bugs) were out. Along with other bugs.

This a.m. we got up fairly early and got in a 6 mile walk before 9. Read the paper and sat on the deck and finished my book while Paul went to the woods and retrieved his photo chips from his deer cameras. It was so nice and quiet on the deck. Nobody (including the nutty neighbor who lusts after my husband) was mowing. Oh nutjob had been, but finished up smoking/mowing while we walked. birds chirped. Locusts made that noise they make.

For just a while there I lived in the moment - it's not always easy for me to do. I'm often thinking of "what's next" packing, vacations, work, visits with children and other family. Looking ahead. I watched a butterfly flitter about - bringing Patrick to mind. Too soon it was time to get something done (and I was done with my book).

Did laundry. Started packing. Talked to the kids on the phone.

It was a nice relaxing Creston weekend.

Thinking ahead again... Our next two weekends will be a lot of driving and running. Goldsmith reunion in SE Minnesota coming up followed by Osage Beach, MO with Creston friends the next weekend. Should be fun - can't wait!