Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wild day in the world of

this trash lady. It started last night really...a phone call on my cellie about now (9PM), letting me know the software trainer I had lined up for the $35,000 worth of Environmental Management Software had his flight from Toronto cancelled due to bad weather in Chicago. WTF?!? I had people lined up to be at the WDM Library at 9 AM to start the training.

The sales rep wanted to know if we wanted to cancel the training for today. Heck no! I worked damn hard to set up the training today and tomorrow for the DM area folks and Th/Friday for the Cedar Rapids/Dubuque peeps. There are no other dates available. What are the other options are there? We could try doing online and send Greg on Standby ASAP - so hope by noon. Let's do that I said! It would require me jumping into action at the library and getting technology on my side - I can do it.

And that's what we did. The library staff was very helpful - arranging for us to use a staff meeting room for phone access, and I had to scramble to get my computer to download GoToMeeting software. But we got 'er did. (Southern Ioway lingo) The folks attending are from Centerville and Atlantic - so they aren't picky. We got along fine. Greg arrived at 11:30 a.m. after doing the first couple hours online. Phew...Long day though - stayed until 5 PM. Then I got my hair did. (staying in my southern Iowa lingo...) new highlights.

Got the bad news from my boss in an email during the day that his proposal that I be promoted was struck down by Administrative Services. They just promoted someone else from our department, and with the budget etc. He suggests we try again in a few month. Bummer. I'm disappointed - I feel like I work really hard and deserve to be a program planner 3. But I'll keep working hard - and hope to be rewarded in the future - before I'm too old to enjoy it.

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