Thursday, June 17, 2010


As in newfriends. I met some last night - thanks to Joan. She asked me to come along when she was meeting with her girlfriends at a Mexican Joint in West Des Moines.

My first reaction when she asked me to think "How can I get out of this?" It was my inner shy girl talking to me. Meeting new people isn't my fave thing to do - especially when they all know each other and I know nobody but Joan. But I couldn't think of an excuse, so in a weak moment, I said okay.

I put in another long day yesterday doing software training, so I was tired by 5ish when I got done. I wasn't scheduled to meet the group until sometime after 5:30, so I hit Von Maur to check out the merchandise. No buying just looking. My cellie rang and Joan was en route - so I headed to the joint, spotting Joan on the patio of the Mexi-joint.

Introductions all around. Did I remember a name later? Noooo. I am so bad about that. Is there name remembering course one can take? - sign me up! It was Joan, her buddy Brenda, and 3 others. They were nice and funny. Of course I wasn't up on all their conversations - in on all their stuff. One told great stories about her garage sale (and dropped the F bomb, which acourse warmed my heart). We stayed until after 9PM - had a great time and hope they ask us out again. It's fun having friends in DM.

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