Saturday, June 19, 2010


A cool Apple Krate above
While I rode my bike yesterday a.m. I thought about all the bikes I've had through the years. Starting with my first trike, that unfortunately I left parked behind Bubba's car in our driveway and it ended up a bit scrunched when he backed out into it. It was green with a white metal seat. Those old trikes were sturdy and you could stand behind the "driver" on the axle of the back wheels - even when you were a bigger kid.

Next I must have had some sort of hand me down starter bike that I don't remember. I kinda remember training wheels - but not the bike. But oh my first very own two wheeler! It had a banana seat (right when those became popular), a white wicker backet on the front (good to carry piano music) and was a lovely aqua blue. Of course it was no Apple Krate - that's what the cool Schwinn bikes were called that the boys got. But I loved it. I spent a lot of time on that little machine.

Next, when I was around fourteen, I got a 10-speed bike. Again I was in love! We got it down at Western Auto in Atlantic and it was a Western Flyer. It too was blue, with white tape wrapping the cool handlebars that curled under so I could go ever so fast. One time I was messing around on it in our neighborhood, hit a curb and crashed. Lucky, besides a few scrapes only my pride was bruised.

When I hadn't had it too long I rode it over to show it to Chris D, and on the way the brake started rubbing on the tire with each rotation. Rub, rub, BANG. It went flat. What was that about? I had to walk my new bike into Chris's driveway deflated. She wondered what I was doing - pampering my new bike. Took a trip to Western Auto for a new tube to fix it.

I've only had 2 more bikes since then - Paul and I bought new Raleighs when we were first married. Got them in Ames at the bike store downtown, twins of each other. Mine was always a bit too tall for me - guys bike.

A couple years ago my sis-in-law Carol sold me her spouse's bike. Bud passed away right after dad did. It's got a lower cross bar so I don't have to kill myself to get on. It's a 21 speed but I stick with 7. It's probably 10 years old - Trek, a crosstrainer. A nice bike. Gets me where I'm going. Guess what - it's blue!

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