Friday, June 11, 2010

Was it just me?

Or was this a really long week? Granted I did have to work in DM Monday-Thursday. The first time in a couple weeks. It seemed like 8 days instead of 4. By Tuesday I was ready to go home. And you may have read my crabby FSFS Wednesday blog.

On top of my personal health issues, you may have heard about something going on with the Big 12 Conference. You know - related to my beloved ISU Cyclones. So all week long it's been in the news - rumors of the conference demise and how the Clones would be left out in the cold. The media seemed downright giddy over this turn of events.

Again, just like when ISU loses to certain in-state rivals, I stupidly and childishly take those things personally. The snide comments written by anonymous chumps on newspaper articles. The blog by a known plagarizing former DM Reg writer Hawk fan suggesting ISU will soon be playing Drake again.

Oh geez all these little things - and the big one. Not living with my very own husband, added up to a rather sucky week. I needed to cry. So I did - just a little, when I got home last night. A little stress relief.

I'm a lucky gal - many more good things than bad in my life. And I am indeed thankful and blessed - I don't forget that! This too shall pass.

So TGIF. Today I believe a couple lemondrop martinis may be in order.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even this sports impaired girl has been following the plight of the 'Clones. Can we say a really big NO FAIR?