It's days like today when I wonder just why I live here!?! Cold start after freezing mist, bad roads for my commute. I got up at my usual time and started working on my laptop at 6:30 a.m. Yep, I'm lucky I can do that! I had the news on, keeping my eye on road conditions.
It looked to be icy north, and it was supposed to get worse as the temp dropped. So about 7:30 I bolted. I drove across Highway 34 - the long route here, but it was green on the DOT map - not icy like the north route was. The roads looked wet, possibly slick but I didn't feel like I was sliding.
Unfortunately I got behind a nervous nellie driving 40. Doh! He wouldn't move over when we came to a passing zone. I couldn't help myself and did an over the shoulder bird flip when I finally had a chance to pass him! As I drove north on I35, I began to see a few snowflakes and by the time I was just south of the big city, it was snowing, windy and blowing. Okay, I'm officially tired of winter!
I got to work about 9:30 a.m. - just in time as the roads were really starting to get slick. It seemed like a long cold day at work, as the heat wasn't functioning properly. Did a bit of shopping after work and then headed to Joan's where the driveway was treacherous and icy. I had to be very careful unloading my bags. I parked behind Krissy on the right side, leaving room for Joan to get up the driveway and into the garage on the left side. But wasn't sure her 2 wheel drive Jeep would make it.
Went in to unpack and eat, and sure enough, a half hour or so after I got here, I could hear Joanie spinning in the driveway. Then our lil mild manner Joanie came stomping in through the garage dropping F-bombs and kicking off her boots. She was havin' a bad day, and getting stuck in the driveway didn't help. I quickly finished my food, and Krissy and I headed out to help Joan dig out and chop ice.
Did I mention how slick it was? Sure enough, 'ol clumsy managed to do a Charlie Brown falling on my butt and elbow. Lucky I was pretty well padded. Why me lord, why have I turned into the clumsy sister? And now poor Joan is embarrassed she snapped. I told her she's just human - I'm glad to know I'm not the only flawed character around here.
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