Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Butt Cutters

My dad coined many phrases and words in his life. And his goofy words and phrases that live through me! Butt cutters is one of those terms.

I thought of that term while walking at the YMCA tonight. My underpants were, um creeping. I don't know why, I'd worn them all day with no problem. But they evidently didn't get along with the shorts I'd chosen for the jaunt at the indoor track. Those shorts, were no butt cutters but they did bring to mind Dad's term for tight shorts.

When Amy began to play volleyball, of course both Dad and I called her tight volleyball shorts butt cutters from the very start. Those shorts fit similar to undies. Tight. So Amy grew up thinking buttcutters was the proper term for volleyball shorts. I think she surprised some people (her coach) with her use of our family term!

I'll have to be careful in the future to not wear these undies with those shorts, because there are no discrete corners at the busy Waukee Y to remove said panties from said clunkin. What, you ask is a clunkin? That's our old family term for buttocks.

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