Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lane changer

Walking down memory lane - publishing blogs from my first years as a blogger. When two people read them. One was probably me. Back when I lived in Waukee part of the week and Creston the other part. I had more time to think about sh...stuff.

Are you a frequent lane changer?

I think the way a person drives says a great deal about their personality. People who hop between lanes like lost bunnies irritate me. Do they really think switching to the middle lane, when the left lane has slowed to a crawl will improve their commute? Is that how they go through life – rashly changing courses without a plan? Don't they realize that once they change lanes, the one they are now in will slow down?

When I drive, I like to invest in a lane, plan ahead even as to which one I should be in at a certain time. I realize unknowns can pop up. A slow driver in my lane, or a large vehicle that I can’t see around will cause me to switch – at least until I get around the offender.

During my early morning commute, I am now familiar enough with the route to know where I should be when. In fact I am beginning to know it so well that I sometimes lose track as I listen to a book on CD and have to “come to” and check my surroundings to figure out just where I am. So far I’ve not missed any of my exits.

Spousal unit, Paul plans ahead even farther than I do! He will go so far as to go a certain route in the Big City so he doesn’t have to turn left without a light. Of course, this is the same guy who didn’t like to walk to close to the edge of the sidewalk in college – lest he turn his ankle. A very cautious man is my Pablo.

Every once in a while I wish I were a bit more impetuous. Not when it comes to driving, but when it comes to life. It seems like it would be so easy to be someone who flies by the seat of my pants. Taking off for trips without checking the map or the weather.

Alas, I know I’ll never be that person – except for right after I consume a couple lemondrop martinis!


amy e. goldsmith said...

i ride the left lane. what does that say about me?

lgold said...

You are a leftist. Plugging up the world of traffic for speedy people everywhere!