So there is another kind of book in my life. Facebook.
After years of stalking Amy and her friends on her Facebook (I know her log-in), I started my own page. My sister Betsy (AKA Betso Bean) started one. And she "Friended" my kids and my nieces and nephews. I knew this because I saw it while logged onto Amy's Facebook.
I figured what the hell, she's my little sis, if she can do it, so can I. Besides, people (Amy's friends) were starting to try to talk to me on Facebook IM, thinking I was Amy. That freaked me out! And there isn't such a thing as "WrinklyFacebook," yet anyway...
So I began building my page. It was fun. It was a good way to share pictures and store them as a backup to my hard drive too. Facebook isn't just for kids anymore! I found some high school classmates on there, and friends from Creston too. I "Friended" Goldsmith nieces and nephews - some grown up with their own kids. I'm Friends with some of my Bullock nieces and nephews - others are still pretty young and might not want their old auntie to be in on their Facebook chatter.
I was a Friend of Jud, my own son, until I made the mistake of posting some of his adorable baby/childhood pictures on my page. So his friends got to see how cute he was and made fun of him. Then he "broke up with me" and is no longer my Friend!
I still don't understand some of the applications on Facebook. All that "your friend threw a snowflake at you" kinda stuff. Or the "post 182 things about yourself and send it to 182 friends" thing. I don't like to be invasive to others. If they don't like getting information about me, I hope they secretly "unfriend" me so it doesn't hurt my feelings!
There are some funny lines when it comes to being friends with people on Facebook. Somebody told me their high school aged kid got freaked out because a pastor wanted to be their friend. How do you say "no" to a pastor? And why would you want them to read your friends' smart ass comments about and to you?
So I'm still feeling my way through this Facebook thing. I'm a newby. I'm not able to access Facebook as often these days, since I'm out of town during the week - away from my wi-fi. But I do enjoy seeing what my "Friends" are up to when I can.
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