Monday, December 30, 2013

Under the Knife

My fretter is going. Odie is scheduled for surgery Thursday and I've been fretting about it since we got back from Colorado. I (mostly) squelched my fretter before then. Odie has a tumor on her chest. Our veterinarian aspirated it with a needle, but could not determine what type of cells it was made up of - other than it's not just fat.

I remember when I felt a lump on our first dog Moki's side. I was sure it was cancer. Luckily it was only a fatty tumor - that grew quite large, but never seemed to bother him. Unfortunately, Odie's tumor isn't fat. Our vet wants to find out just what it is - just under the skin.

I wonder if she'll have to have a cone on her head after surgery. That would suck! And look stupid too. I don't think she'll be able to reach this where it is on her chest. A little jacket would probably protect it better. I worry that she'll be a real wiener about this surgery...literally and figuratively. Just look at those eyes - they bulge when she wants something or is upset. Thursday night will probably be a long one - and I am glad I work at home on Friday.

Odie doesn't seem to have any other symptoms going on - so that's good news. It's going to be hard to concentrate at work on Thursday as she goes under the knife. I'm not sure how long it will take for them to let us know just what we're up against regarding the tumor. Fingers crossed! Send your good thoughts out for my puppy! Thanks.
Odie likes to sit on the back of the couch - on this fluffy blankie

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