Friday, December 27, 2013

Day 2 - Christmas

Jelly, Jelly, Jelly. Jelly stays on my mind! Jelly roll killed my pappy. No, not really. It's an Allman Brothers song - and we went to our favorite joint for breakfast. Jelly Cafe. It's near Amy's place and close to Capitol Hill in Denver. Jelly - yum

I didn't take any photos of the place this year, because I've taken pics before. It's very hipster. We had donut bites whilst we awaited our real breakfast. Then we did a bit 'o shopping. A new Cabela's opened south of town. Paul has a "black" card and earned points. Let's not let them go to waste! He found a most awesome backpack for hunting. Then we hit the Outlet Mall a bit farther south. Odie found some nice hard candies in the cubbie hole of the car. She spit the red hot jaw breaker out on Paul's seat. Her breath was minty fresh though!

That evening we had a date with the Lamms at a Chinese place. We picked up our niece Jordan on the way - such a cutie! My Aunt Marty got there early (along with Uncle Bill) and ordered food for hundreds from Tony (a Chinese guy whose name was really something unpronounceable). Aunt Jeanie and Uncle Bruce were there too. they had just rolled in via Santa Fe, a stop on their way from Green Valley, AZ. They are my Dad's sisters and husbands.

Cousin Amy Brownlee came with husband Tom and kids Kate - who is a college frosh at CSU and Matt who is a HS sophomore. Kate's boyfriend came along too. My cousin Richard was last but not least. Tony kept the food coming. Eggrolls, chicken, shrimp, rice - we didn't have enough room on the table! Amy scored big in the leftover department! All of us scored big in the family department - we have a great one!
2 Generations of Bullock women

On Monday Paul and I drove (in rush hour) to Centennial, Colorado to see Marty and Bill's new place at Holly Creek Retirement Community. It's a gorgeous place. I'm jealous of their indoor/outdoor lap pool. We had a great breakfast (it's not quite as hipster as Jelly) and afterwards sat a Marty's and chatted a while. Made plans to see all of them in 2014. Yay! Then we headed back to Amy's to await her arrival home from work so we could head up the mountain to Edwards - just past Vail.

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