Remember all those little rhymes we'd say when we were kids?
"Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers"
In today's world - it doesn't apply often anymore. There are cameras everywhere. Finders better be honest! And not just because of the goodness of their hearts.
Last week at the Des Moines International Airport (I always get a kick out of the International part...) a woman took off her .7 diamond ring at one of the gates, laid it down and walked off. (Who could do that?) Enter lady number 2. She walked over, picked it up - looked around guiltily and took off for her Des Moines home.
Police released the video of the act last Friday - and the woman was busted that very same day. Tina Cram told police she planned to keep the ring. How sad - keeping someone else's ring, and feeling good about it. Imagine looking down at a ring on your finger - one you stole. Then looking in the mirror.
Ring Thief
The loser doesn't have to be a weeper anymore. She will get her ring back. I think about that when I'm shopping too. No not because I'm a secret shoplifter. But because people are always watching. It's kinda creepy. Tonight's Creston paper showed an arrest of a woman for shoplifting something like $61 in merchandise. So sad. You'd think they'd at least come up with triple digit value to get arrested for...
I'm rubber you're glue everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you
Sticks and stones will break my bones and words will never hurt me
I know you are but what am I? (what you say to someone who calls you a name)
cross my heart and hope to die...stick a needle in my eye
These came from other people's websites - I didn't remember them until I read them:
great big gobs of greasy grimey gopher guts , mutilated monkey meat , little baby birdy feet, french fried eye balls drenched in monkey blood
See my finger
See my thumb
See my fist
YOU better RUN.....
Do you remember any others?
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