Enough of the "Dear Diary" posts. I like to do those - kind of a report for those family and friends who are not with me - and are interested. I know they're not the most interesting to many of my tens of readers...on to another type of Blog:
Have you heard of the movie "Nebraska"? I first did whilst watching the CBS Sunday Morning show earlier this fall. Bruce Dern was featured. Paul and I have wanted to attend a movie for quite some time - but we haven't been able to work it in. There are several out we'd like to see.
I surprised Paul though when, after perusing the movie schedule yesterday, I told him I wanted to see the limited run movie, "Nebraska". He'd never heard of it. He'd been hunting when I'd seen the piece on it that Sunday morning. Give it up to the guy though. He didn't argue. That's why we have stayed happily married for 31+ years. I know when to give in and he wasn't dying to see any of those other movies. So he went along with it.
The movie was playing at the Varsity Theater - in the Drake neighborhood, just off University at 25th. I was also feeling a bit tired of Jordan Creek Mall - another reason to go that route. We attended 4:30 p.m. Mass and headed to the Drake area Jethro's for some BBQ. Their wings are our favorite. The waitress was very good and we split a meal for one.
The Varsity is a chain of one - locally owned. Tickets are $7.50 and between those, popcorn and a soda, we paid $20 - half the price of the same stuff at the big chain places. For this particular film, most of the audience was - well, older. The theater itself is narrow but large. There was music playing, but we weren't tortured with any commercials or admonishments to turn off our cell phones. Or even any trailers for coming films. The movie started promptly at 7:30 p.m.
The movie is filmed in black and white. The premise is that Nebraska native Bruce Dern (Woody) lives in Billings, Montana. He's a drinker, a Korean war vet and is around 80 years old. He's received one of those sweepstakes letters saying "You've Won!". And he believes it. He thinks he needs to get to Lincoln, Nebraska to collect his prize of $1 Million. He starts walking because he doesn't have a license. He's relentless.
His son Davey, played by Will Forte, of Saturday Night Live fame, bumbles into driving him to Lincoln - to the dismay of wife/mother and older brother. On the way, they end up getting sidetracked to Woody's small-town Nebraska hometown. Mom takes the bus in. They all stay with Woody's brother and they have a family gathering with more family members - a stoic bunch to say the least. Woody lets it leak at the local bar that he's soon to come into a small fortune. Of course this travels like wildfire around the town - which if you've ever spent time in a small town, you'll recognize.
Loved this character: newspaper lady
The mom, played by June Squibb, should get an Oscar in my view - she was deliciously evil and real. What a mouth she had on her - Paul told me there would be a "hunting trip" in store for me if I became that woman. One I wouldn't come home from. I think he was kidding.
The cemetery scene is cutting and then hilarious. Brother Robbie shows up and the whole family visits Woody's homestead - a decrepit house on a farm. Paul could relate to some of the farm scenes. But just when you start feeling a little melancholy - the directory/screenplay adds some hi-jinx, or a comment from the mom or a cousin that makes you laugh.
Nebraska - it's not going to be a popular hit. I kinda dragged Paul there kicking and silently screaming. (and bribed him with Jethro's wings) But we ended up discussing that film more than we have any others we've seen in recent memory. And the ending is perfect!
We came home and watched football. Kansas State kicked Michigan's butts. Big 12! Good night.
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