Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Check that - share artists...not music

A friend of mine posted this article on Facebook. It's a letter to an Intern at NPR (that's National Public Radio for those of you who aren't nerdie)
Letter to a music copier

Here's another article about the NPR intern - Emily White. It sounds like she got an earful after she blogged about having 11,000 songs, and has only purchased some 15 CDs in her life. She says she's supported musicians by attending concerts. Hmmm
NYTimes article

And I've been pondering again. Both articles make excellent points. I shouldn't be enjoying shared music without paying for it. My recent blog talked about how Amy and I share music. It's a great way for me to hear new artists. So I don't think stopping this practice altogether is a good idea. After all I've purchased tunes of artists she's turned me onto thanks to her assistance!

But I need to be more mindful of this practice. Just because it's so easy doesn't mean it's right. So I vow to treat Amy's CDs as samples. The songs I like, I'll buy. After all - musicians gotta make a living!


Anonymous said...

Two things come to mind in reading this:
-while David Lowery makes some extremely valid points, the fact that it took 3800 words to explain his position is going to prevent his piece from being read by the people whom most need to read it
-ITunes allows us to download a purchased song to 5 devices with the one purchase. Wouldn't sharing music among family be kind of the same? One person has purchased the music.

lgold said...

that is a good point regarding purchased music within a fam.