Just finished my hour long power walk while listening to my iPod (sans headache I might add). While walking I began thinking about the songs in my life that I identify with certain sections of time.
My earliest memories are songs from home of course. My mother, bless her heart, had a voice like, well like nothing I can think of. In a bad way. But she taught us some of her childhood favorites.
I See The Moon is my favorite. (the moon sees me, the moon sees the one I want to see. God bless the moon and God bless me, and God bless the one I want to see). What a beautiful little ditty!
The other was more of a dirge - especially when Mom sang it.
Go Tell Aunt Rhodie (the old grey goose is dead)
After that, Mrs. Lewin's nursery school provided the next memorable song:
Way Down Yonder in the Paw Paw Patch (where oh where is my friend Leslie - way down yonder in the paw paw patch)
Next we have the Brownie/Girl Scout years.
I Have Something in my Pocket it Belongs Across My Face (I keep it very close at hand in a most convenient place - I'm sure you will not guess it if you guess a long long time, so I'll take it out and put it on...it's a great big Brownie smile!
And many other classic camp/scout songs -
The Ants go Marching
Found a Peanut
The song Tallahassee Bridge always reminds me of our drive to Florida - Mom and we 4 girls. We drove through that area, and the sad song made a real impact.
Moving into the junior high range, we have the songs from Chorus:
Inch Worm - we sang in the back of my parents green 67 Ford station wagon on the way to a football game for my birthday. Mom had provided goodie bags for all, including popcorn balls! We sang in earnest teenage voices, in two part harmony
Also we sang a song our class made up - a version of "Come Saturday Morning" I don't know the real words - just the ones our class made up - I'm going to watch cartoons - Pink Panther and the Avenger. Wild World of Sports....etc. My we were clever!
Don't forget the songs from our first dances -
Color My World has to be the all time fave slow song.
Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog
I shared before my love for young Miko Jackson. ABC! Stop the Love you Save - all played on a little record player kept under my beddie bye
When high school hit, we had sock hops after the games (it was a retro thing - thanks to the Happy Days craze) I loved Elton John and the Big Bopper
In 9th grade I fell in love with the Spanish version of If You Could Read My Mind - went something like this "Sentido de sol, sentido de corazon" It was quite beautiful. Our Spanish teacher Senor Seufert taught it to us. We thought Senor was gay (don't know the spanish term) but he surprised us by getting married and fathering 4 boys...)
My sisters Susi and Cindy influenced me all through my wonder years.
Then came the rock years - thanks to the influence of the Deardorff clan, especially Scott who turned me onto Aerosmith
Walk the Way
Toys in the Attic
Doobies, Rare Earth, Steely Dan and more. I loved purchasing a new record album. Back then they were works of art - containing lists of the songs with all the words and sometimes information about what inspired the song.
Then it was 1976 - I had my new stereo, given to me by my parientes (see Senior, some of that espanol did take!)
I went to college with Peter Frampton - who came alive in my dorm room. And Fleetwood Mac. My roomie Loraine had Lynard Skynard - Freebird! Also REO Speedwagon, Head East - college students have the best tunes!
When I went home for the summer, and was a lifeguard at Sunnyside, the local swimming pool. We listened to an Omaha radio station all day. Feels Like the First Time - Foreigner
more later (cuz there's a whole lotta life since college left to talk about) on this topic. But I'd like to hear about your music experiences.
Was it KOIL? I remember that!
I also loved Foreigner.
This reminded me of going to CB to get my braces tightened and then buying a 45 afterward. I loved Fabian. duh. What a tin ear I had!
Life guard, too. "Afternoon Delight"--Starland Vocal Band--my pool manager always thought it was about a picnic!! And early on I used to kiss my pillow to any Monkees song and dream of Davy Jones.
and people say we monkee around. Did you collect the Monkees cards - they were like baseball cards, complete with icky gum. I collected enough (they were like puzzle pieces) to make Peter's head. Ah those were the days...
Well, I kind of remember the Monkee cards--I definitely remember babysitting money going to purchase Tiger Beat! I did love them all, but Davy was a fav, though I married a combo of Peter and Mike and he is sweet!!
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