Thursday, September 17, 2009


If only I could send myself into to Dell for a lovely face lift just like the one my computer just got! You may recall - since I've been bitching about it for a month or so - that my computer had issues. The cord quit working and would no longer breath life into my machine.

So as long as I was on the horn requesting assistance - I did it via an online IM thing - typing to a nice polite person who I'm certain lives across the world from me. When she (pictured in the IM as a woman) asked me if there was anything besides the cord they could help me (pictured on IM as a little man) with, I said "my hinges are floppy". I know, kinda personal but I needed help. My warranty only goes through next June.

I got the total protection package for 3 years for both my computer and Jud's. Hey, I figured he's going to college, he'll likely drop his computer sometime. And I've had computer problems before - a tough thing to take care of living in Creston. My Dell hasn't been perfect (either has Jud's) but they've been attentive to fixing it. I had some early issues with the hard drive, but since then, I've not had a problem for over a year.

So I packed Dell off to somewhere in Texas. My roomie Joanie shipped him FedEx, since that's where she works. Today she brought him back, kindly awaiting the return of the delivery guy who tried in vain to bring it to me at Joan's home in Waukee. Yay for Joan.

When I took him out of the box, imagine my delight to find out that not only did I get a new cord, and secure hinges, Dell has a new keyboard, touch pad and wrist rest. He's like a new laptop! Plus they're sending me some little battery that was out of stock.

Imagine if my doc could take care of me like that when I have a physical. "Oh Les, you're looking a little worn - those age spots and all - How about a new skin?" Wouldn't that be fab?

I'm very happy to get my Dell back. We've spent a lot of time together these past 2.25 years.

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