Ah how I loved story time in school. Today I saw a couple kids heading home after school. Once was riding his bike, the other carried his skateboard. I was jealous! Remember the feeling of freedom when that last bell of the day rang? "School's out," it said, "you're free for another day!"
Thinking of school reminded me of how much I loved story time at school. I believe that time of the day is partly why I so love to read. I'd like to thank my teachers:
Kindergarten: Mrs. Christensen - okay so you were kind of an old battle ax, in our kindergarten room with the clock on the floor. You used to stick people in the little bathroom attached to our room as a punishment. Tommy Sandhorst peed all the way around that clock as I recall - so perhaps you had reason to be crabby. I don't remember much about story time in K, but I do recall Robbie Dob and me getting in trouble during nap time for chatting.
First Grade: Miss Casey - who also had my father as a student way back when. I don't remember a whole lot about first grade.
Second Grade: Mrs. Whitaker - allowed me to take a tiny little book home and my baby sister Betso got a hold of it and wrecked it, which made me a neurotic mess. I do believe that is the reason for my OCD behavior today. haha
Third Grade: Mrs. Keebah (no idea how to spell it...) was the first good reader I recall, though I don't know if it was she who first read the class book my Aunt Jeanie (also a 3rd grade teacher) gave me "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". When Charlie unwrapped the golden ticket, I felt it was me. The words were so rich and I could picture the action in my mind's eye.
Fourth Grade: Mrs. Tibben was also a good reader. I believe there was a Beverly Cleary book read that year that I loved.
Fifth Grade: Mrs. Kluever - oh she of bandage wrapped legs (did she have varicose veins like my mother?). She was a homely woman, but that lady could read.
Sixth Grade: Mrs. Pellett was not a very nice lady or good teacher. I don't recall any books that year.
Hats off to you, Washington Elementary teachers for instilling the love of books into this girl!
A good teacher/reader makes all the difference. Mrs. Kimball (3rd thru 8th)was both. I learned to read aloud w/inflection from her.
We also had a forerunner of books on tape - poetry on a 78rpm. "The Highwayman" was my fave: "The Highwayman came riding (tlot, tlot), the highwayman came riding up to the old inn door."
oh, i remember Little Britches ( a substitute actually read the naughtly words that the reg teacher changed to "darn" and "sugar." haha And I LOVED Little House on the Prairie in 5th grade. that whole series was awesome. My Sunday School teacher read the Narnia books to us and I was hooked on them. I reread them when I was in Library Science grad school. :) Great time -- reading. Usually after lunch or recess. Hot, sweaty heads laying on the desk listening to every word.... I loved it!
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