Wednesday, April 30, 2014

FB free for 40 days and 40 nights

A goofy Marco Island selfie (complete with Paul's finger) I would have posted had I not been "off" FB in April

I gave up Facebook for Lent. I wasn't the only one who gave it up and it wasn't a huge noble gesture that saved mankind or anything. I didn't pray during the time I would have been surfing FB. But I must say that after making social media part of my life for the past ten years, living without Facebook was noticeable. It was a sacrifice! Lenten mission accomplished.

I missed you Facebook! And by "you Facebook", I mean all my FB friends. As I posted about one week into my FB diet - it was missing out on the lives of my friends and the ability to post on FB that was getting to me.

I felt like a smoker who was jonesin' for my toke. I'd take a picture of something clever and think, "now what?" Even if nobody comments, there is some satisfaction to posting a photo or comment for others to see. And to commenting on or "liking" others" stuff.
My "so Key West" photo

I kept up with my blog whilst grounded from FB - but it wasn't the same - I felt I was sending it off into the netherworld, with no way of getting any feedback. I don't know how newspaper writers did it. Of course they were mostly reporting the news - not spilling their life stories (some would say oversharing) for all to see.

While I was gone, Facebook underwent another change. I get it...they need to keep up with other sites vying for users. But so far I don't understand it...why have they picked their own groups for my friends? They need to send me some instructions. Right.

Anyway, I'm glad to know I can survive without that FB crutch. And I'm happy to be back on board post-Lent.

Kiddo Update:
San Diego selfie

Jud and Kara spent the weekend in San Diego - celebrating Kara's 25th birthday. They had a great time according to Jud - checking out the zoo and the local food scene. Now he's back at work at Boeing - filling out the lengthy information required due to the fact that he's working on defense contracts. They needed to know stuff like where Paul, Amy and I were born. And who cuts our hair. (I made that last thing up). #thorough!
Amy is having a busy week - a good thing when one is starting one's own biz. She's taking a marketing class and the instructor said it's a bad thing when people can smell it when you have "commission breath" and are desperate to make a commission to feed your family.

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