Sunday, March 9, 2014

My favorite Millennials and other stuff

The Pew Research Center reports (Link Here) that change is a comin' ya'll. The Millennials (people now ages 18 to 33) are set to take over. And they', different. Our children Jud (25) and Amy (28) fit into that group. Reading this report makes it very clear - they aren't will likely never be mini-me Paul and Leslie.

We kinda already knew that. Though when Jud was little, he did look like a mini-Paul - at least in looks and build. He was wiry and athletic with sandy blonde hair. Then he turned 15 and grew large Bullock legs and tall.

Amy always had Goldsmith type features but a Bullock build. They're both fair of skin - a trait they get from both sides, those lucky ducks! Genius and athletic skills - we both claim those genes. That's the "nature" part of the equation of who they are.

But those Millennial attitudes, the "nurture" - who knew that would be such a strong piece of who this group of people would turn out to be across America. The Pew Report sheds some light on this. I think we need to take some of it with a grain of salt however - survey anyone at age 18 or 22...they may answer very differently than 10 years later. Or not.

I won't waste time posting data from the report - click on the link - it's easy to read and very interesting. We need to remember - these are generalizations. It doesn't mean every person in these groups is like this. I bet the Silent Generation's (age 69-86) take on my peeps - the Boomers, wasn't (isn't?) necessarily all that flattering either. Talkin' 'bout my generation....

I'll be the first to admit - when considering what Millennials are doing, saying etc. I sometimes must run it through my "filter" before speaking or reacting. I must remember - this is not the America that I grew up in. That "our" formula of securing a job (any would do - even if you didn't really like it), finding a mate and the matching marriage and birthing babies didn't ever really guarantee "happily ever after". Especially if you didn't ever make to the promised land of retirement - or if you didn't have enough cash once you got there to actually enjoy life. You could keel over from a heart attach, become an alcoholic or know the pitfalls....

Again - these are generalizations - Baby Boomers weren't/aren't all like this. But many are - and expect the younger generation to follow that path. Eyebrows are raised when they don't. And if you read this report - they're going to need a brow lift...less church, less belonging to political parties, only 26% married.

Remember Boomers - be nice to them - they'll be taking care of us in the nursing home someday!

Sweet Dreams:
You know that point right when you're falling asleep...and your thoughts are kinda goofy? We had just watched the Oscars and I had Brad Pitt in my head and all of the sudden Ginger Deardorff's smiling face popped in too. What?
Isn't that a hoot? I appreciated how cute she was - that great grin! Then I fell asleep. But I didn't forget it by morning. So Ginger might be gone - but never forgotten. And she seems to be haunting me somehow....perhaps she was reminding me to vacuum my house as it HAD been a while. (Ginger was always a stickler for weekly vacuuming/cleaning - her daughter Chris, my friend, has followed in her footsteps - me - not so much).
Friday Night we met newly transplanted Crestonites John and Lois Rose at the Rock Bottom Brewery in West DSM for a beer and supper. The Roses were long time teachers in Creston. John also coached football with Dick Bergstrom. They moved to WDM last April. It was fun to shoot the Creston breeze and hear about each others' families. Lois and John are heading to England this spring where John spent a year teaching in the early 80's. Sounds like a cool trip. It was a fun night and the beer was good too.
Spring? Plus Paul paying for my swag...
Strong Heart
We headed to Ames, Iowa Saturday - stopping at Jax in West Ames for the spring sale. I enjoyed the little bit of spring in the doorway on the south side - flowers. (and the very cool clothes, socks and sandals)
It was Senior Day - and I must admit I was a bit sentimental (translate - teary old woman) when they introduced our senior players. Melvin Ejim has been with this team from the beginning with Coach Fred Hoiberg. He's an Academic All American. DeAndre Kane is a one year player who has made all the difference this year. It's hard to say goodbye.
But oh what a game vs. Oklahoma State University. And it was fantastic sophomore Naz Long that made an unbelievable 3-pointer to tie it up when it looked like all was lost - and with 2 stars fouled out the Cyclones found a way to win.
Beer was flowing at the Scheman Building (adjacent to Hilton Colesium - home of the Magic) after the game. We met up with our friends the McKims and Davenport peeps Ehreckes and other new friends. Lots of others - the place was packed. Every time the replay of Naz's shot was shown on the many TVs on ESPN the crowd cheered wildly! It was a good day.

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