We had to say goodbye to the Kohans and Cannon Beach Saturday morning, along with our temp home near the beach. Betsy and Wayne plan to rent this place next summer since the house they've been renting is on the market. I hated to say goodbye to Betso - I don't know when I'll see her and the rest of the clan again next.
Then the Lefebvres, Goldsmiths and Kara packed into the Grand Caravan (amazingly we fit!) and headed for Portland. Gar pointed us to the Marriott Courtyard downtown and we dropped off everyone and the luggage. Paul and I had to take the van back to the airport Alamo, which was a drag. We took the Max - light rail back, for $2.40 a piece. Very clean and efficient!
The Max |
We hopped off downtown right near a shopping area, and ran into Jud and Kara in an overpriced Nike Store. Paul found something at the Columbia Store. Downtown Portland is an interesting place. There seem to be a lot of homeless people there and we were approached by a number of people for strange purposes - ultimately for money. It was a bit un-nerving for this Midwestern gal. That said we enjoyed the eclectic experience - the shopping, restaurants, bars etc.
Saturday night we started out at Herman's - a place Bolder had scoped out. It's got a frost bar - a strip of frost where you can set your drink to keep it cold.
Amy takes a photo of our drinks on the frost strip at Herman's |
Jud in his "Big Jud's" shirt Bobbie got him in Boise with Cindo at Herman's |
We couldn't decide where to eat that night, so we ended up sitting in our motel room. We had pizza delivered by bike. It was delish! Kara, Jud, Amy, Paul and I sat and chatted until 10 or so. Then Kara and Jud went to see the sights. The rest of us hit the hay.
In the morning Jud and Kara took off in a rental car for Seattle. Kara works for Cerner Corporation in Kansas City, providing medical software training. This week she worked in Seattle. How convenient! Jud rode along with her on the drive to Seattle and flew back to KC that afternoon. We were so glad they were able to spend a few days with us. We hugged Jud goodbye about 9 a.m. and off they went.
Amy didn't have to fly out Sunday until later that afternoon. It was misty when we woke up, but we were determined to trek to Voodoo Donuts - a place we'd seen on the Travel Channel, and scoped out online. We were lucky that due to rain, the line of people craving sugar and starch wasn't down the block. Amy had to order the voodoo guy donut but she couldn't eat the lil guy, cuz she can't eat stuff with faces. (I didn't remind her that at one time a hamburger had a real face...). The donuts weren't really anything special but the place was interesting due to the S&M/Voodoo theme.
The voodoo donut in the middle was filled with red jelly that oozes when you poke him with the pretzel sticking in his chest
We did a bit of shopping that day. We found a "dancing girl" theater with the name Stewart above it. That's my Grandma Zora Stewart Bullock's maiden name. So Cindo and I kicked up our heels there.
I can't get my leg up too high...plus no boobs. I'd make a terrible dancing girl |
At one point we walked by the Roseland Theater - I saw this:
Rock On - Foghat was in Creston this summer!
We had a nice brunch/lunch and all too soon it was time to walk Amy to the Max light rail and hug her goodbye. It will probably be a fall football game before we see her again. That's what is hard about having kids who live far away.
That night I was crabby. End of vacation, sayin' goodbye crabby. Cindo told me to snap out of it and I did my best. Of course I knew that when I got back I'd have a day of work and then my shoulder manipulation to deal with. And Cindy had her second partial knee replacement in Vail, Colorado. She had the first one in April. What a couple of old has-beens we are! We've been texting each other about Physical Therapy and pain levels...
We wandered around Sunday night trying to figure out what we were hungry for, finally stopping at an Italian joint, in the lounge. The waitress saw us hesitating and did a tremendous sales job. She had us a "best ever lemondrop". Or perhaps that was me...It was really great food and we had a nice time! Our hugs in the elevator that night were teary. We'd had a great week together - love those guys!
Photo from earlier in the week of two of my fave peeps |
Paul and I had to get up at 1:45 a.m. and a car was awaiting for a trip to the airport. We needed to be there too early for the cheap light rail. So it was $50, but worth it (the driver had a difficult to understand accent and liked loud country music). Flights went smoothly - through Seattle, with a couple hour layover back to Kansas City. After a frantic night of unpacking and laundry then packing again it was back to DSM early Tuesday.
What a lucky girl I am to have such a fab family! I love each and every one of them and thank my lucky stars and that higher power for all my great fortune. Not stuff, but relationships.
Now on to healing this nasty shoulder. Very painful. No fun - don't ever get one! Thanks to all for texts, cards and encouragement. Mendy even dropped off cookies. The only way they'd be better is if they contained painkilling drugs!