Friday, January 13, 2012

Sick cat

The kitty is congested again - poor thing. She's been like this the past couple years - every few months it gets bad enough that I take her into the vet for a shot of antibiotics. Last night when I got home from DSM, she had a crusty nose. This morning she sneezed in my face. It was time for the vet!

I called early and lucky for me I could get in right away - the joys of a small town. I put her into the small pet carrier and away we went. The tech weighed her right in the carrier - she's down to 6.8 pounds. A few years ago, she weighed 10. Scrawny old thing. Kitty got her shot, and Doc Bruce told me he detected a heart murmur.

On the short drive back home, I found my mind wandering. So much so that I nearly drove through the  red light near the YMCA. For some reason I had suddenly pictured myself as one of those old ladie who pushed their cats around in a cart outdoors. Wacky. It could be me someday..the cat will be 38.

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