Friday, January 20, 2012

Digging Book Chicks

Some months I think, "It's a hassle, maybe I should just skip book club". Then I attend, and remember why I enjoy it so. This month we met at A&G Lounge downtown, with eight people in attendance.

I was supposed to pick up Thea, on my way. You may recall she has often been our hostess with the mostess. I've written in this blog about Thea's cancer battle - myeloma. Bitch of a disease. I checked my email right before heading out the door and discovered she was not feeling up to a meeting. ;>(. But she did email her comments on the book. Room by Emma Donoghue. No substitute for her warm and caring personality, but the note would have to do, to share with the group.

I picked up my buddy Deb on my way downtown, and we laid claim to a table in the back of the bar at A&G and ordered a couple drinks - she a hot chocolate/schnapps and I a vodka/cranberry. Gradually the rest of this eclectic group began to gather.

Deb and I started the group back in the early 2000's. Thea was an original member too. Many women have come and gone through the group since then. Most (besides Deb) are not people I would have had occasion to hang out with. But I've truly enjoyed getting to know these women who share my love of books.

This month, our selection, Room, elicited excellent discussion. It's a novel, but was written along the lines of the Jaycee Dugard story - the girl who was kidnapped and held for 18 years or so, having a couple children with her captor. Kidnapping stories creep me out - so the captivity portion was tough to read. I sped read through it. Thea had given me a preview that the escape was worth it - so I forged on.

I'm always amazed at the insight and intelligence of the group members. Book questions can sometimes bring out personal stories and thoughts - almost therapeutic if you ask me. We laugh, we share both happy and painful memories. Sometimes some of us even pontificate a bit. That's when I try to break in with a smartass joke to break things up. If we all thought the book was bad, we just talk about current events or other books we've read, movies, our jobs, and families. It's all on the table.

Last night, newer member, Amber, took it upon herself to bring background information about how and why the author wrote the book - through the eyes of a five year old boy. I had one list of discussion questions and Amber had a whole different list. Each member took turns picking questions to read.

Through the years, some of the women attending Book Club have started out a little shy - rarely chiming in. Others are rather outspoken. As the unofficial leader, I always try to make sure everyone gets a chance to weigh in on questions. I've enjoyed seeing friendships grow within the group! Several of the people now hang out - outside of club meetings. Members have been wonderful about supporting Thea through her illness, which warms my heart. I know T would be doing the same if roles were reversed. I also like to think of those of us who are older..or let's say, more experienced, serve as role models for the younger women. 

Room isn't a book I would have read on my own. I pushed myself to read it - which is good. We should get out of our comfort zones. Hanging out with smart women who are not my usual buddies is good too!  Viva la reading and Book Chicks!

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