Thursday, April 28, 2011

Techno Faux Pax

Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person? I was multi-tasking tonight and sent this text "It's my turn to drive - Pick U up?" to Amy instead of Deb. Amy sent this back ??? Since she lives in Denver she was prolly wondered what the...

That will teach me to cook dinner, talk to Pablo and text all at the same time. It's not the first time I've wanted a do-over on a text or email I've sent. Probably one of the less embarrassing wrong sends.

A few months ago at work I hit "reply all" to an email, including the stakeholder a grumbly recycler whom I didn't really mean to include on my email. I was lucky I was sending my email to some people I don't know real well and kept it clean and civil. Even so, he wasn't pleased with my total message...
I remember one time Betso sent a reply email that her sister-in-law got - causing hard feelings. I hate when that happens!

Another pet peeve is when I forget to attach an attachment to an email when I say "here it is". I feel like a dodo when I do that.

Emails are strange - you can never be quite sure that people read them like you wrote them. That they emphasize the words you mean to be emphasized. And get your tone.

Texts are easier - cuz you can be very casual and don't even have to spell right. Guess that's why kids like 'em so much!


amy e. goldsmith said...

yeah, good thing you weren't bitching about me in the text. i sent a few of those back in the day, about an xbf to that same xbf. so embarrassing!

Anonymous said...

still can't believe said Sister in law threw out her baskets after that, phew! A bit over the top in my book but...........

LeLo said...

you should ask jordie what she accidentally texted to her boss. it was pretty much F U but worse. hahahahahahahahahah