Monday, August 13, 2012

My Girl to Woman hero - dead at 90

Helen Gurley Brown - Editor of my formerly beloved Cosmo magazine has passed away at the age of 90.
Cosmo's Founder dies

Proof that a decadent life isn't always bad. She was naughty! And I liked it...when I discovered her magazine as a college sophomore.

Yes - I read all those articles. Like, "What He Really Wants!" I was a fairly inexperienced young girl from Southwest Iowa and was glad to hear the straight if somewhat embellished story told be Mr. Brown. It was somewhat shocking to see the "F" word in print in a magazine! It was our magazine!

I enjoyed Ms. Brown's column in each issue - she had spunk! Even if she was old way back in 1977.

When I received the diamond from my Grandma when I turned 21, I had Harold Hanke (Hanke Jewelry) make the ring based on a design I saw on a Cosmo cover the summer I was a lifeguard at Sunnyside in Atlantic. I still love that ring!

Thanks Helen Gurley Brown for all you did for the young women of the world.

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