Wednesday, January 30, 2013

It's my boy Elroy's birthday

Okay his name is really Judson David (he prefers Jud). But I AM my father's daughter so I can't call people by their real names, now can I? Nope. You must remember the Jetsons (a few people thought that was Judson's name..) - or you are a youngster. Meet George Jetson, Jane his wife, daughter Judy, his boy Elroy (cue Chopsticks on the piano). I loved the noise the spaceships made.

And so my boy has always been my boy Elroy. It was a wonderful day in my life, the day Jud was born. He was due on January 27th, and that Monday, January 30th, I rolled over in bed and my water sprung a little leak. I felt it pop. I called work, First National Bank in Creston, and let them know that I wouldn't be in. Amy, age 3, was fired up to be a big sis. Paul went to work until I could call the clinic to find out what would happen next.

Dr. Young's office told me to come in to the clinic, so we dropped Amy off at our our sitter Carol Frank's house and headed to see the doc. Yep, it was our day to have a baby. I took my suitcase and headed to the hospital. Back then we stayed three days or so when when we had a baby.

As I checked into the hospital and Paul and I headed down the corridor, a very sad family was leaving. We found out later it was the family of 12 year old Callie Jo Spainhower. That morning, on her way to school, she was hit by a car and died. The death of a child for one family, and the excitement of impending birth for another. Jud's birthday never goes by without me thinking of that family and their loss.

Dr. Mark Young, Mr. Natural, was determined that I would go into labor all by myself - but my body had other ideas. Finally he came to the hospital after 5 p.m. and put me on a pitocin drip, to get labor going. Still it took a while - Paul had time to hang out in the nursery and listen to a basketball game. That was after I threw a wash cloth at him. Women in labor do things like that. Just after 11:30 p.m. (he's still kind of a night owl today) he made his appearance. I was shocked - a boy! 9 pounds 4 ounces.

Amy had stayed overnight with the McFees. We called her the next morning to tell her the big news. She was a little disappointed - she was expecting a sister after all. Paul brought her out later that day to see him. Paul also brought along a little green sleeper with a deer on it for him - so cute! Since he was kind of a blob and didn't do much, she was more interested in the hospital room. At one point she pulled the nurse's Call string in the bathroom and one poked her head in to see if I was okay.

Jud and Kara
 If I thought parenting a second child would be like parenting Amy, I discovered quickly that wasn't true! Jud was his own little self from the start. He has grown up to be a fine young man. I am proud to call myself Jud's mom. Happy Birthday!

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