Samantha the Panther |
She saw me through my maturing years. And now she's gone. I just spoke with Amy on the phone to tell her the news - we both cried. I told Jud yesterday. She was their kitty sister.
Samantha (a/k/a Pooncy, and mostly Kitty) Goldsmith passed away yesterday at Creston Vet Clinic. She'll be cremated and scattered at the Pet Cemetery in DSM. Paul and I were there as our longtime vet, Richard Brus gave her the shot to render her unconscious for the next part of the humane "putting to sleep" routine. I gave her one last kiss and we left. I shed a few tears, just like I did when I called and talked to Mindy, the vet tech to make the appointment. Our cat had been slipping health wise and when we returned to town Friday, we found her totally blind. It was time.
As you can tell from her birth year, Kitty was old - we figure 19 years (I know the math doesn't make sense - but we thought she was 18 last year...) at her passing. (I was only 36 when we got her - a mere child!) Samantha was Amy's 9th birthday present - but she was already 6th months old by then. You see, Amy ever the softee, really wanted a kitten - but decided to adopt this beautiful black stray (with 4 white paws and a white beard) from the vet clinic. (This after a disastrous attempt at a kitten adoption when we discovered we had a boy kitty instead of the girl she wanted).
Samantha, was never a greatly affectionate cat. I believe that was due to her being mistreated as a kitten. Prior to our adoption, she lived in a cage at the vet clinic for several weeks. But she tolerated us quite well! And for some cats - that's saying a lot. Kitty was supremely mellow when compared to my first cat Bucko (RIP 1980-1993), who used to spring off my back and onto the shelf of my closet when I leaned over to put on my shoes.
Kitty left, Odie right - me in the middle |
Samantha also got along quite well with our dogs. Most recently, she was queen over Odie, except when genetics took over and Odie chased her like the rodent hunter she is. If Odie was on my lap and Kitty decided that's where she wished to be - by golly, Kitty just walked on Odie and the dog skedaddled! The pecking order was set.
When we first moved to our present home, Kitty checked the whole thing out, pausing to hiss at herself in a mirror under the stairs. She also loved to sit by the back door waiting for a visit from the neighbor's cat, so she could pitch a fit.
Paul has been a trouper through the years, taking on the brunt of her care - food/poop scooping. Until recently she hasn't been to the vet for years - because she bit the vet, even when he tried to utilize a Plexiglas box to give her a shot. I guess she remembered those months of confinement as a stray...
When Kitty was much younger, she used to jump up on top of the cabinets in the kitchen (before our remodel made the cupboards taller), and lean on a stuffed wiener dog (before we got Odie) observing us safely from above when we entertained. Oh - she never liked any people but our family. She always knew the kids right away, even after they moved away.
It was always surprising when she would allow strangers to pet her. In her "golden" years she began staying on my footstool when friends would visit. If we were out of town, cat sitters rarely caught sight of her - and she would hiss at them if they did.
About a month ago she decided she needed a drink of my ice water... |
When Paul and I returned from trips, Kitty made sure to let us know how angry she was at us - knocking over things on our dresser or tipping water glasses (or drink from them) over on my bed stand. She would often meow during the night the past couple years and walk on my head. Love those pets! She and Odie both slept with us at night. And oh those night I awoke to...if you're a cat owner you know the noise. Hairball! I'm pretty good at scampering out of bed to rush the cat to the tiled floor. (That I will not miss, along with the shedding)
I didn't sleep well last night - and today I keep thinking I see her sleek dark figure in the corner of my eye. After 19 years, I miss the old girl. Having pets is bittersweet - the end is so tough. Samantha you gave us many years of purring, companionship and stories.
We thank you! See you in the next life.
I'm so sorry to hear about Samantha. She was so beautiful, if not always so excited to be loved by us as kids. I always felt like I had pets vicariously through your family, as we were never allowed to have ours inside. I will catch myself telling Moki stories, like he was my own doggie. I'm glad she's out of pain, but she will be missed.
Oh Les, through tear filled eyes I want to comment on your great blog about Kitty. She sounds like the kitty everyone needs. When you gave her a home, you also gave her your love and a long life. I'm sure she's in Pet Heaven purring, "thank you Goldsmiths, for my wonderful years with you". Once again, you've shown what great people you are. Thanks for sharing.
Oh, I am so sorry. Loosing a pet is one of the worst things to go through, at any age. You never really know how much you miss them until you turn to talk to them or pet them, and they're not there. Our pets take a little bit of us with them when they leave us. I really think Kitty was very lucky you adopted her, and loved her, for so long.
so sorry for your loss. She and Mokie are probably talking over the good old days. maybe even talking about that darn cat(D.C.)who tormented your whole family the winter of 2003-2004. Don't know what Ted and I would do without our Bichon (Scooby)
sniff sniff, sorry about your kitty :( She is up there with Bucko, Buckwheat and George now. Hugs~
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