Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Witch is In

Oh - Mama needs this sign...seen at PetCo when Odie got her nails done

Another week bites the dust! It was a busy one. Tuesday we had a retreat for work at Neil Smith Wildlife Retreat. It's a prairie. It was rainy so we didn't venture out to see the buffalo.

Yay - we get to sort seeds!
We did several team-building exercises, including sorting prairie seeds which was kinda cool. No it wasn't hemp Don McKim...
Capture the tennis ball - blindfolded. Then walk around.

Wednesday we headed to a meeting at the Fish Hatchery at Lake Rathbun. It was a gorgeous day! And a good meeting with the Iowa Waste Exchange representatives.
Here DMR grows Catfish and Walleye for Iowa's lakes 
It was a cool trip.

I did 178 today at Physical Therapy - 180 is perfect arm movement. It didn't come without pain...I continue to struggle with that evil stuff. Paul and I are off to St. Louis to see Jud and Kara this weekend. Looking forward to it. I'll report next week!

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