Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fright Week!

Oh...you thought I meant Halloween? I suppose. I was really talking about reading the Graves' Disease Facebook Page. My God...one could go mad reading all the information online about illness. My sister Cindo is right. She said Boldie's doc told her as much. Don't read about this stuff - it will drive your crazy. So why do I?

It's frightening. I've noted before on this blog that I graduated from the Evelyn Woodhead Speed Reading course (no...not really) and can therefore buzz through various topics and attached comments chop chop. In no time I've perused articles about the various diets and discovered that if one follows them, one may eat sea salt on spinach. Yum!

Seriously...in a book I ordered online, one chapter described a diet that ruled out fruit, beef, seafood, some veggies and greens. And of course sweets. Organic eggs could be introduced slowly. I began wondering if it might be easier to print the list of stuff one could eat....

I will change my diet. From all my reading, it seems like people with autoimmune disorders like Graves' disease often benefit from doing just that. I just need to figure out just what that should be! I've seen everything from Gluten Free to Paleo to the one described above where you really can't eat. More study is in order but I've identified a few things I can start already.

I'm supposed to cut out coffee. EEEK as Jane Buck would say. It's not like I'm a huge coffee swizzler, but I do enjoy a cuppa with creamer. Dairy? Soy? Iodine is supposed to be BAD. I've put the sea salt on the table - better than iodized. I need to hydrate more - tough for me. I am going to try to journal (shock! I am going to write. Don't worry - I am not going to Blog my Graves' Journal). At least not for now...perhaps it will prove fascinating.

So...back to Halloween. When I was a kid it was really fun! At our school we would walk home at lunch (like we did every other day) and return in our Halloween Costumes. Then we would parade through all the classrooms in Washington Elementary and the measly small gym where some of our parents were awaiting, beaming as we pranced by. I think I liked that day even more than pretend Christmas celebrations at school.

I only remember a couple of my costumes. One - was one of the only two things I know of my mother sewing. A black cat costume with a stuffed tail that dragged behind and a little hood with ears. She also sewed a clown costume but I don't remember ever wearing that. In the upper grades, I partnered with Chris and Paula to be Tom, Huck and Becky (I was Tom) and another year Paula and I wore my Dad's Korea army uniforms and boots. No guns.

On Halloween night in Atlantic, we'd fill paper grocery sacks with candy - going house to house in several neighborhoods. Returning home, I'd dump my stash on the floor and answer the door when a few stragglers came to our house Trick or Treating. The whole neighborhood was full of kids traipsing around in costumes - few as original as the ones people come up with today. Many were store bought costumes with cheapo masks. It was fun and all that sugar probably set off my Graves' disease today. LOL

My pal Robbie Dob phone me today - and pumped me up. Just what I needed - a former AHS cheerleader giving me a chance to talk about my recent downs and a pep talk! I'm so lucky to have so many great friends and family members who are there to help me get through this shoulder thing and to be there for me as I deal with Graves' Disease. Amy, Jud and Kara sent flowers to my work yesterday - there on my desk as I returned from physical therapy. Nice! Texts and Emails and visits with Susi, Cindy, Bets, Jane, Susan and seeing Deb and Mona - it all helps.

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