Monday, October 13, 2014

Momma for 29 years

I was pregnant once before Amy was born. We lost the baby in 1984 - I was just a few months along. So I was understandably very nervous in early 1985 when I became pregnant again. We decided to go to an Obstetrician in Mason City instead of a general practice doc in Osage where we lived. R. Bruce Dunker was a veteran in working with young mommies nervous about losing their babies.

When I heard that heartbeat the first time, I was so relieved. And every time after that! Paul and I went to VEISHEA at ISU that year - meeting college friends. I must have eaten something iffy - and ended up with food poisoning. I puked all night and was so afraid I did something to the baby. Monday morning I trotted into the doc's office to make sure that babe's heart was strong - and it was. Tears!

Oh people. It was a LONG pregnancy. People went from saying - "you're so small" in "you're huge" in September. Even Dr. Dunker said I'd have the baby in September, though I was due October 7th.

In July, Paul and I took a "last childless trip" to Minnesota. We'd looked at pamphlets for resorts - and chose a romantic cabana...which turned out to be a regular 'ol hotel room with a loud air conditioner. I wore a maternity swim suit borrowed from my pal Sally. Paul played golf and I drove the cart.

My due date came and went. I was huge. I weighed more than my husband. My hips were so sore I couldn't walk, so I couldn't work. Dr. Dunker scheduled me to have labor induced at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital on October 9th. Paul and I called everyone we knew and told them. We got up early and made the 45 minute drive to MC and tried to check in. Nix! The hospital was too full - no room in the inn. *#@*.

It was a long weekend at the Goldsmith house. Dr. Dunker wasn't on call again until Monday the 14th. That was the day. I packed 10 of my fave music cassettes to listen to during my calm birthing experience in the suite we'd be using. Wrong. Baseball playoffs were on - St. Louis vs. the Dodgers. Ozzie did a flip and the Cards won. Dr. Dunker was pleased. I didn't get to hear Pure Prairie League. Wah.

Another couple was in the birthing suite first. She was a screamer. I checked in early in the a.m. They kept cranking the Pitocin - the juice that causes contractions. But that baby's head was BIG. So just like a big pickle, forceps were used and soon red-haired Amy Elizabeth Goldsmith emerged. It was around 7 p.m. She was perfect! All 9 pounds 7 ounces of her. The nurses whisked her away to clear her up. Soon she was on my chest and we were calling our parents.

I was a mommy! They wheeled me into my room that night and I don't think I slept a wink. I was filled with emotions and adrenalin. And I felt like a truck hit me. 9 lb. 7 oz.

Twenty nine years later she's still perfect! Loving our baby girl.

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