Sunday, December 18, 2011

Minor Christmas Miracle

I felt like baking yesterday...I consider it a minor Christmas miracle! I don't bake much these days, now that little children no longer live at our house. Amy and Jud used to "help" me bake. They'd break eggs for me - onto the counter - the floor. Yeah, big help! I'm amazed I was patient enough to let them.

And when it came time to lick the beaters...I had to share with them! That was tough I gotta tell ya! I baked a lot of cookies and bars back then - and would read in between batches, sitting on the little footstool they used to stand on to help. Eventually, Amy became a pretty good baker herself. Jud...learned to toast his own Pop Tarts!

I had to make sure our baking powder and soda wasn't out of date before I began to bake! Stuff gets old when one never uses! I actually made a batch of those chocolate cookies a couple weeks ago when we went to Kansas City - and remembered how much I like 'em! So yesterday I baked a double batch! Next I whipped up snack mix to take along to Colorado.

I spent a couple hours today trying to fix my dang computer - it's having issues - waking up after I put it to sleep. I HATE computer problems! It's just supposed to work, right? Dell support sounds like they think I need to reformat my hard drive. GREAT! I'll just back up all my music and pics ASAP. I'll get right on it.


1 comment:

amy e. goldsmith said...

Sounds to me like you need a Mac! Once you go Mac you never go back.