Sunday, November 29, 2015

Dumb Ass feeling gratitude

Dumb Ass. That's the name of the game Paul selected at the Christmas gift exchange. It's a trivia game that we ended up playing it the last two nights. If I might brag, I'm quite good at it - surprising the wee ones with the amount of knowledge I possess, mostly due to how much I read. Everyone had their moments though - answering questions you'd never expect them to know.

You may not know this about me but I am not a fan of game playing. It requires concentration - something I am bad at supplying in my off-time. In fact I blurted out a few answers Friday night when it wasn't my turn - simply because I wasn't paying attention. My bad! That made me giggle. That, and the toddy I was drinking. The chatter during the game was priceless. Thank goodness Franklin the wonder puppy settled down and napped during most of the games.

We took a drive to Ames on Friday to show the fam all the updates to their college town. And to show Corey the most beautiful college campus in America. He is a Clemson University grad and was smart enough not to argue. We lunched at Hickory Park of course - after Corey purchased a token ISU t-shirt. Amy had previously gotten a Clemson shirt while visiting that town for a football game (their team is 11-0 woohoo).

Saturday we celebrated Thanksgiving at Paul's niece Barb's. Thanks much to the Archers for hosting! We took along Mom's creamy mashed potatoes. Corey and Amy made a pumpkin cheese cake - the peaks of the whipped cream started out like the Rockies but melted and ended up like Iowa terrain according to Corey - but it was still delish. Paul's sisters were there plus bro-in-law Dave and great niece Mandy. It was fun catching up with the Goldsmiths. I heart family.

We had thoughts of going out later but ended up catching more sports on TV (another Cyclone bball victory) plus football. Amy is getting awful sick of football. That's when we broke out the Dumbass trivia game again. Did I mention how much fun it's been to be around these people?
Gathered all together for a group shot - not too bad!

I heard from my sisters on Thanksgiving Day. Susi and husband Jim, like our fam were celebrating with all the children (and grandkids). Cindy entertained 12 at her place and managed not to tear a retina this year. Betso had the clan at her place - arriving from all over Washington state. Love to all of them.

I'm very thankful for all of my family and friends. How rich my life is. #gratitude

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Giving Thanks

I love Thanksgiving! This holiday is better than Christmas, in my opinion. Except for the relentless ads pushing us to buy, buy, buy. I know - Christmas has the promise of the birth of the savior. That is a beautiful message for us all. But giving thanks - no matter what religion you are, where you are in your life - how rich, how poor - is a true and pure. Jesus, Allah, Higher Power would approve.

With the passing years I appreciate the little things more each day. I have a tenancy to over-plan. It must be a Pat Bullock thing - because my mother was so organized. In the past I have dreamed up these scenarios, prior to events that have me cooking stuff and the family bonding together over games and crafts. While those things may happen - I now know they must be organic, not forced by Leslie the overplanner.

This year anytime I started down that road...then I remembered that I don't really like to cook. And hey what do you know, wisdom can come with age. I decided to do just the stuff that I'm good at - Mom's scalloped corn and creamy mashed potatoes. For other meals I would get prepared foods that are just as good as anything I might make. Less stress - and there is really no score card for these events. I don't get points for homemade meals. I quieted my inner voice telling me I am a slug for not over-achieving on food.

Paul did a standing prime rib yesterday - for our Christmas with our family. Amy, Corey and Franklin the busy weinie puppy) flew in from Atlanta around noon Wednesday. The four of us headed to Creston - Paul and I, to meet friends for a couple beers. Amy and Corey were there to spend the evening with their friends Stormy and Kyle Wilson. Kara and Jud arrived from St. Louis later that evening. We hadn't seen Bobbie and Jeff for a long time. Donnie managed to stop down on his way to Fareway (he was convinced that Diana thought the line at the store was really long). Patti stopped in for a drink too. On our way out the door we saw the Millers - Dan and Denise. Fun to see those two! We pledged to have a party together.

Back in the big city, Jud and Kara went out for supper at Jethros with friends. Then they were on Frankie duty. They did a super job taking care of the little guy - he was wound up but imitated Odie with outside duties quite well. When he crashed for the night (with them), he was down for the count.
Installing the TV

Thanksgiving day was grand. A whole day of hanging with the group. Paul and I had broken down an purchased a monster sized television. Like my parents before me, TV is a big part of our lives - especially when it comes to sports. We've been talking about upgrading for a while and our friend Moose put us over the top. He's a techno-gook and Best Buy expert. I was a little afraid that the TV would take over the room due to the size, but with Paul's engineering and the help of strong arms, the thing is mounted and is awesome. Game on! Kara and I worked on kitchen duties during the installation.

My fave part of the day was just listening to the conversations between all of the people. It's the first time both couples have been with us. We were able to share some family lore. I especially love the story of the pie maker at Marczyk's gourmet grocery store. Marczyk's was Amy's first job in Denver. One year when she worked there, the pie-maker went nuts, partying it up (on video at the store with strippers no less) at Thanksgiving and blew off making the pies. So everyone had to pitch in, including the storeowner's mother to get the pies done. Kara told us the story of a visit by a high school friend - one of those people who has no social skills. Little did she know when she accepted his invite to get together. You know the type - it's all about them, and they never ask about your lives...
Franklin finally sleeps

We did our Christmas gift exchange. The type where everyone brings a gift and then one picks and the next can take it. I ended up with a sweet water bottle. More later! So fun.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Snot Gloves

As I headed into the REI Store today my nose dripped. I was tempted to wipe it with my nice soft gloves. Turning them into - snot gloves. That phrase always brings back memories of college.

Wind up the way back machine - I'm off!

College is about many things. I'm sure that online are very valuable and can lead to very rewarding careers. And commuting to and from college to get one's degree is perfectly acceptable and in many cases necessary.

Call me old fashioned - I think if one can attend college and live there, right on campus, that's the way to go. In my opinion the college experience and the lifestyle are essential aspects of higher education. They certainly were for me.

I grew up in a household of all girls. Though we had bodily functions at our house, let's just say my Mom kept a pretty tight lid on things. My god she had made up names (from her side of the fam?) for all of the "unmentionable" body parts. Skows, pudgy, tinkler and fanny. I think you can figure it out.

So it took going to college for me to actually get to know guys as close friends - in all their male grossness. The two fellas I got to know the best were Steve Hauser and Steve (Moose) Wilt. Those two taught me the term snot glove - a phrase that would have never been bantered about in the early upbringing days of the Bullock girls. Oh, our woolen mittens had lots of snot on them - we just didn't talk about it.

Of course not too long after I learned about snot gloves, while on a ski trip Paul Goldsmith showed me the not-so-delightful farmer's "nose-blow right onto the ground". OMG! (at that point I didn't know I'd marry the guy someday). My father sold lingerie and was never caught without a handkerchief! Paul's family farmed. Digging for a hankie with dirty, greasy hands wasn't an option.

Can one learn all of these delightful bodily fluid related things outside of a four year institution of higher learner. Hell yes! Lots of places. There were many other things about college life that were part of my education - sharing my life 24/7 with others gaining their degrees.

Just a short story with an opinion - helping explain the somewhat warped, sarcastic and goofy person I am today.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Typhoid Mary

I've been sick. Yeah. The urpy, can't decide which end of you needs to use the pot more kind. It wasn't pretty. Fortunately that part of the illness didn't last long. Then came the stomach pain, aches and pains. Next - a migraine of course.

I missed the last Cyclone game of the season - most importantly a chance to hang with my cloney friends on another gorgeous fall day. I was so bummed. The game was a good one - with my pesky Clones hanging in there until the very end. Damn those last three minutes (and not being able to stop the Cowboys on third and long). But I was sick enough to know I was smart not to be in Ames. Port-O-Potty and diarrhea? I don't think so. Those things are bad enough as it is...even when you get serenaded by the marching band when you exit.

I though I'd turn the corner on Sunday - but I couldn't rustle up any kind of appetite and then the migraine just wouldn't leave - so I spent much of that day in bed. What a wasted day. I was sure I'd be ready to go to work Monday - got up and was ready to head out the door when I realized that my knees were shaky. I decided it was a bad idea to head downtown on no fuel - and my stomach was still not up to par. I worked remotely part of the day.

Paul woke up sick this morning. Just call me Typhoid Mary. Luckily he just has the body aches, upset tummy - no projectile vomiting or anything dramatic.

At work I noticed that I tried to stay away from others - afraid I'd germinate (yes I do know I am not using this word right) them. Well you know what I mean. I have one of my busiest weeks of the year right now. Those consultants I worked with today didn't rush up and hug me. I don't blame them!

There's nothing like feeling better after an illness. It makes me think about all those people who are going through illness or are battling cancer like a couple friends I know. I can't wait until you have this feeling my friends. I'm thinking of you.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Bolder has been gone three years

May 2011 In his beloved Cutter and Buck windbreaker from Dad

Sometimes it's an east coast accent that reminds me of him. Or a voice - yelling out (he was a loud guy mostly). Nobody quite has the mumble down though - he was a mumbler when he drank scotch.

When I see a homeless person looking for change, I always remember my favorite Bolder story. I know, it sounds kinda crass - but hey, it's Boldie.

We were in Portland, OR after a fabulous trip with our whole family in Cannon Beach. We decided to do a little shopping before finding a place to eat and an older woman with funny eyes leaning up against a building hit us up for change. We walked on by and headed into a West Elm store, but the guilt bug got to Amy and she went back and gave her a $5 bill.
Summer 2012 in Cannon Beach

Later that night while we enjoyed a beverage, Bolder had to give  Amy some Uncle-like crap. Cindo and he were quite close to her as she spent a winter living with them right after she graduated from college. He said he thought it was stupid to give homeless people money - like that lady. "Amy - she probably went home to her mansion with her lazy eye and her lazy susan" he said. We all busted out laughing. Only Boldie could come up with something like that.

He's been gone three years now. We're still mad at him for dying on us like that - leaving my sister Cindy alone when she should be enjoying life with a loving, lovable knucklehead partner like him. I'm so glad Jud's fiance Kara got to meet him. I wish Amy's bf Corey would have been able to. There is really nobody quite like him. Bolder and Cindy's son Colby is quite a character in his own right, though. Bolder in making? Hmm Still, hard to believe it's been three years since I've seen his smiling face and heard him tell me emotional things (he was very emo).

Man I miss him.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Dad's apple, Jackson Browne

It's hard to break old habits. I was brought up in a house where my father commented on looks and bodies. It was his business after all - he sold lady's underwear! "Hmm...that fanny looks like a size 5" I can just picture thoughts like this going through his head. When he was older, he had no filter - a woman would walk by and he'd blurt out - "her rear-end is wider than two axe handles!" A bit too loudly! Or, "that chick is sure tall like her daddy!"

He came by it naturally. His father, my grandpa Wally (we called him Bubba) used to keep watch over my weight while I was in college. "How much you weigh now, honey?" he'd ask while I was on break from ISU. Yep, I get it Bubba, I'm eating a too much pizza and drinking lots of beer.

So I've had a tenancy to notice bodies. I'm the apple that didn't fall too far. I hope I'm better at not blurting out comments than the men in my family. Our fam isn't alone. People in our country are body obsessed. The craziest thing to me is how openly folks feel they can comment about other people's bodies.

I thought of this today when I went through the check out line at the supermarket. The young woman bagging the groceries was tiny! She was so petite that I watched to make sure she could load the heavy cloth bags into the cart. Then I thought - I bet she gets all sorts of comments on her size throughout the day. Old guys (like my dad) saying, "You're a pip of a girl, aren't you?" I'm sure it gets old! I told her "good job!" and left it at that.

Let's stop bugging people about how they look (in person and the coward's method - online) and concentrate on what is inside. I need to do better at this - and want to constantly remind myself to compliment others more. I'm not good at it. I often think compliments and then don't verbalize them. Dumb, I know. Maybe I should put a string on my finger as a reminder...

Okay, rant over.

Paul and I had fun last night - we tried out a new restaurant (Eatery A) and attended the Jackson Browne concert. The restaurant is owned by the folks who operate Alba - a fave of ours in the East Village. This one is on 29th and Ingersoll. Paul wasn't ready to try Pork Cheeks, so we went with oven fired pizza - chorizo, pineapple and jelly. We also had a baked endive salad. It was loud in there - cool place though.

We headed over to Hoyt Sherman for the concert and ran into some former workmates of Paul's. Sometimes DSM seems like a small town. Jackson Brown was really good and his music is so timeless! The last time I saw him was 1977 or '78 at Hilton Coliseum. He's put out a lot of music since then. The man is quite an environmentalist and is an advocate for those less fortunate than himself. His music reflects as much. My favorites were from the past though - reminiscent of that first concert I saw all those years ago in the '70s - "Runnin' On Empty". The place started rocking when they played that song.

I had a great birthday week and feel so thankful to be 58. Last year wasn't my best - I felt awful, was diagnosed with Graves Disease, had a very painful frozen shoulder and later broke my other shoulder. Ugh. I'm looking for better things this year. All of your greetings, cards and flowers from my cherubs and beloved help!

It's starting out well. My doc's office called to report that my most recent blood work shows me to be in remission. That means I don't have to take the thyroid blocking medication for Graves right now. Do I feel perfect? Nope, but I'm doing just fine. Woohoo!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Ain't no friends like longtime friends

I know, longtime no write. I've got no excuses. But here I am again, laptop at the ready. I can't stay away too long!

Last weekend our college pals came to visit for a football game- an activity that has bonded us through the years. Yep, crappy ISU football. (I'm thinking of the 90's) But this team had a surprise for us!
I finally bought a scarf - now this fashion will be over

I've known these peeps nearly forty years. Crazy thinking about it that way. I met Vicki my first week of college at ISU. I was sitting in my room trying to figure out how to survive week 1 as an introverted college coed when she popped into my room. Vicki wanted to know if I wanted to walk over to the ticket office at the football stadium (then nearly brand-spanking new) to purchase season tickets to attend Cyclone games. The team was pretty darn good in 1976.

We didn't really get to know Jane until later that fall. After meals we began to plan ping pong on our dorm floor. Vic and I would go up against Sal and Jane. Soon our friendship went beyond mere pong and Sal was rooming with Jane. We were fast friends sharing everything - all through four years of school. Sal couldn't come - she's recovering from surgery at her home in Portland. Sending good thought's to our pal Sally!

I met Vic's boyfriend Fred later that year. I'm not sure she knew he was "the one" our frosh year, but the rest of us always liked him. She did okay sticking with that boy.

When Vic, Sal, Jane and I returned for our sophomore year, we signed up for intramural football. Well, not Vicki. She's more of the sit on the sidelines and yell encouragement type. Our Resident Assistant lined us up with a couple coaches from another dorm floor. That is when we met Moose and Steve - they've been coaching me ever since!

Notice Paul hasn't been mentioned yet? It's true. Of all the people I was with all weekend, Paul was one of the later ones I met. Worth waiting for! Moose's real name is Steve - but even now, when he's 58, I can't make myself call him that - unless we're in some serious situation like in front of his parents or at his wedding - stuff like that. Paul actually met Moose's wife Kay early in college - so our group is a bit intermingled. Steve married another ISU grad, but Annie is younger so we didn't know her during our school years. They were tailgating with some other friends so we didn't get to see them for long, but we did enjoy talking to them.

It had been several years since the gang came to a game. Everyone arrived about the same time - around 2:30 pm Saturday for a 6 pm game. It was fairly nice out after a rainy morning. We got together at the usual spot - our friends Kari and Kevin's trailer. It's been a nifty rig all season - just a little trailer with a tent and generator. Tables, chair and other gear are neatly stored in there (thanks to Kevin's photo showing how it all fits - stapled right to the door - he's an engineer, he can't help himself). Don and Diana were there with lil sandwiches. Kari and I made soup. Beer was cold!

Hugging and catching up are priceless. These people are like family - we know each others' stuff. I wanted to bottle the moment. Tailgating again with our friends. I thought of all the times we'd done this in the past. As young adults, with young kids - tailgating very near where we were that day - parking was $5. Wilts brought their daughter Jaime and bf Mike both Minnesota grads. It was fun hanging out with Jaime all growed up. Jane's sister Susan and husband Denny came over to see everyone too - we've know that girl since she was in high school.
Who was Paul texting?

We all sat together in Section L - watching a classic Cyclone victory, a shutout over Texas. When the win became evident, Paul Goldsmith offered to buy season tickets for our friends because they are obviously good luck! (just kidding) we can't afford that...
We did share a few wineskin drinks, and a pint of Fireball - but they were mostly happy drinks instead of sorrowful, which was unusual for a Cyclone fan. WooHoo!

It was a late night for this old girl by the time we got back to our place, Odie greeted everyone and gave the nickel tour of our house. Jane came over the next day for brunch and we drove over to her new house in Waukee that morning. All too soon it was time for Behrs and Wilts to take off. I missed having the kids with us! Shout out to Kelli, Amy, Jud, Lauren and Alyssa. (we did see Jaime) Love you guys.
Jane, Vicki, me, Kay
Paul, Moose (Steve), Fred