Saturday, July 26, 2014

Class reunions - a dying event?

Amy headed home on Amtrak - arriving Friday a.m. in Crestonia (late as usual - good job Amtrak) for her 10th high school class reunion. Hungry, she walked to S&K Café for a bit 'o breakfast. She recognized a few familiar faces and one smiling one especially. When she tried to pay Chuck, the proprietor, someone had already taken care of it...anonymously. That warms my heart. Good 'ol Creston.

Was it Darwin West auctioneer, bus driver, prom announcer and all around good guy? Amy will never know but is forever grateful. The Denver kid still loves her home town because of things like that!

Amy planned the Creston High School's Class of 2004 reunion from afar. She wasn't the Class president or anything, but hey...nobody else was doing it - and it seemed important to her. Maybe her business mentor, my classmate Roger Underwood (Atlantic High School Class of 1976) is rubbing off on her. He's been great at planning our Atlantic class reunions (except for the last one when I accepted the challenge). I'm glad it's important to Amy as well.

I totally understand it when some people choose to just walk away from high school and wash their hands of the whole thing. They had a bad experience, have become a new person and don't feel like revisiting that time in their lives. Or some people just don't have that much vacation time - and peeling off time for a reunion isn't in the cards. Others just might not want to see a certain someone in the class, or to talk about where they are in their lives at that point. But in my opinion they're missing out.

I'm intrigued by watching people grow up. I must admit, I didn't pay attention to some of my classmates as we moved through those high school years. I had my group of friends and the others were bit players in my eyes. After graduation - when classmates had matured a bit...and maybe I had too - it was fun to talk to them. I hope they didn't think I was a total idiot.

Maybe Amy will never come back to another reunion. Or maybe, like her momma, she'll go to many. She enjoyed this one. She wished more classmates could have attended, but what can you do? There's never a perfect weekend - you just have to pick.

Paul and I chose to chaperone part of the evening at The Lobby along with some of our homies. First we ate at A&G where the Class of 1994 reunion was happening. I wish I would have known that Missy Frank, daughter of our daycare providers Carol and Mark, was there in the party room. We did run into these honeys.
Hudek girls - Megan, Syd and Erin
 We also saw many other familiar faces including Stew Stewart and family and Troy Jay's parents. Katzers came in for a bite with Ron and Dottie Dunphy. It's nice to go where everybody knows your name.
Amy and Kristina McFee Carroll

The crowd at The Lobby was much younger. Tim, the Lobby Owner, had hired a DJ with karaoke capabilities - one of the guy singers was pretty darn good. The girls gathered in the corner so we could keep an eye on the people - a mix since the bar wasn't closed to just the Class of 2004. Just down the street the Class of 1984 had hired a band and they were celebrating in the alley. Wow - 3 decades of former students in town.

unofficial chaperones/stalkers
It was fun to chat with some of the kids from the class who chose to take time to speak with us parents. Soon however the fellas (Jeff, Paul and Donnie) felt the need to keep moving. They walked to the Elms Club to catch up with some of the folks from that class. 1984 was a couple years before we moved to town. Thane Glynn told a couple of hilarious stories and then they were off across the tracks.
When we first moved to Creston, Sidetracked was a dive bar right next to First National Bank where I worked. Then it got "selected" to move when the city decided the area was needed for urban development - Fareway went in there. Sidetracked (named due to proximity to Burlington Northern tracks, or because certain husbands get off course when they go there) moved to the south side of the tracks and has been there ever since. The establishment is run by a CHS classmate of Jeff's (Class of 1976) Randy Hagel. He's a big boy.

we were the only customers by this point...
When I got a text saying the boys were at Sidetracked we decided to join them. I didn't think we really needed to stay for the Class of 2004's whole reunion. Deb decided to head home - her husband Larry and sons (Brett is Amy's classmate) are in Cooperstown, NY at the Baseball Hall of Fame ceremony - trip of a lifetime! So Deb was flying solo.

On our way out of the door I stopped to say goodbye to Amy and chatted with Stormy Weis Wilson - longtime bff of Amy. What a sweetheart! Amy stayed at Stormy and Kyle's this weekend and I'm so glad they had a chance to catch up.

Don describes to Diana how to get him to listen to her...
Bobbie, Diana and I walked across the tracks to see what the fellers were up to. Of course when we got to was evident - the guys were up to no good! Soon Cheetos were had. Randy shot water at Diana from behind the bar when she tried to order just a she had to settle on a vodka tonic. No limes at that joint...or diet tonic!

We shut Randy down and ended up back at the Elm's Club for just 1 more. Not for me though - I was driving. By the time we got back to B&J's Kristina was there and Odie was able to enjoy some Cheerios with Jeff and her. Bedtime 1:30 a.m. - late for this kiddo!

Bobbie served a lovely egg casserole this a.m. and we picked Amy up in time to do a rundown of the evening - who was there and who was a no-show who had said they were coming. It was a pretty good turnout for a Facebook Invite event with no real "buy in" required by anyone. Everyone there said they'd like to do it again in 5 years. Amy better get some tips from Roger...

Some say class reunions are dying out because people keep track of each other on Facebook. I say bah humbug.

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