Friday, July 18, 2014

Odie had her wisdom teeth removed

Oh wait...that was Amy, our daughter who lives in Denver. She had the two un-emerged teeth removed Monday and came through it swimmingly. Fingers crossed no dry sockets ensue. Amy is also just finishing up with Invisiline braces and her teeth look great! Miracles of modern dentistry.

And today Odie, our wiener dog, had her teeth cleaned. It was her first time. She also had a badly sheared tooth removed - I knew that going in. They told me another one was very wiggly so it got yanked too. She's going to be eating canned food for a couple days instead of the usual crunchy stuff. Plus no chewy toys...or GASP no Dingos.

Odie loves Dingo rawhide chewies. She eats one nearly every day when I get home from work. Oh, when the scare came out about dog treats from China, I tried to find a substitute. But there's nothing like telling your dog, "A Dingo Ate My Baby"! It's a line from an old Seinfeld episode...the one where Elaine says that at a cocktail party to get attention. Dingo treats last Odie just the right amount of time. She's hooked on them.

Now after Odie had dental work I'm going to have to give her soft treats for two weeks...but she'll gulp one of those down in scant seconds. The dentist, um veterinarian reported some of Odie's other teeth were a little loose. That's worrisome. I don't suppose I will be able to get her to gargle salt avoid a dry socket.

I'm glad my girls got through their dental procedures. Pearly whites!
Dr. Merk provided this write up of the procedure. Look at those pearly whites!
I picked Odie up early this afternoon. I hope recovery is uneventful. Odie is acting in somewhat dramatic fashion - whimpering periodically and giving me that, "how could you?" look. She does like the canned dog food. Wish me luck! #babydoggy

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