Monday, July 14, 2014

The commuter got out the map

We traveled afar my friends. All the way to Pacific time. Yes the left coast....right up my alley some might say - Oregon, where greenies run rampant. It's 2014 ya'll time for the Bullock Girls family reunion in Cannon Beach - about 1.5 hours (in good traffic) west of Portland.

It's our 4th time there. Sister Betso and family go every year. The first year we traveled there was 2002. Dad was married to Pat2 and they were there. I believe all of our worldly cousins were there - on both sides of our family. My mother's sister, Aunt Dorothy made the trip. We hadn't seen her for years and she didn't travel much - so it was a rare treat. On Dad's side our beloved Aunties and Uncles - Marty and Bill, Bruce and Jean.
Kids - Cannon Beach 2002 Adorable!

The cousins - all of our children bonded once again. I love how despite the age difference - niece Leslie will be (gulp) 30 this week! And Baby David (he'll always be called that) is 16. Our kids got to hang out with my cousins' kids too. Family lovin!

2002 - group shot
The next time we were able to go it was 2008 - after Dad's death. It was a great time, though this time it was mostly just our immediate family. Jud was a college kid and what was Amy up to? She had just graduated from college and was on her was to working for the Dems. Leslie and Jordan were there, but no Colby-monster. He was busy with an internship - cooking in Vail. The husbands - Jim, Bolder and Paul discovered Warren House - the bestest bar evah.

In 2010 Alvillars put on a big wingding in Los Angeles - Leslie and Jordan Lopez's wedding. So we missed that year - in a good way. We met Cindy and Bolder a few days early and checked out the city.

In 2012 we stayed in the coolest house - so close to the beach and right across from Betsy's place. She liked it so well she snagged it last year and this year. Our children and Jud's gf Kara were able to come that year which was really nice, but no Lopezs or Jordie Alvillar. Susi's husband Jim didn't even make it - he was tied up with a trial, so Susi brought a friend. Bolder, Cindo's hubbie had such fun stalking the area tasting clam chowder.  He brought his Pope Hat along to help celebrate Betso's 50th birthday better...he taught Paul to drink martinis and make friends with bartenders. Later that year, sadly, he lost his battle with prostate cancer.

That brings us to this year - 2014. Our kids were busy, so it was only the Kohan children that were "in". Bets and Wayne had snagged the good place. Susi took it upon herself to find a house for the rest of us. We ended up at the rustic "Judy's House" - it was clean and served our purposes. We think Judy got her furniture at a yard sale. In the 1970's.
With our cousin Leslie

Cindy's friend Bonnie Pottorff decided to join us as a 5th sis. She's fun to hang with and loves to walk, so she fit right in. Poor sister Suso wasn't up for walking - she has a stress fracture in her foot and is in a boot. More about the week later. Suffice it to say - "a good time was had by all". I love my family. #luckygirl

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