Thursday, September 19, 2013

Susi's birthday Ahoy!

It's my big sis Susan Morehead Bullock Alvillar's birthday today. I love that girl! She's been nice to me since I was born.
Susan in the middle - separating the two trouble-makers, Cindo and me. Pre-Betso.

Except for that time she hit me in the mouth with the baseball bat she brought me home as a gift from her Girl Scout trip to Washington D.C. At least I think that's where it came from. For some reason she was swinging it like a big league player and I decided to wander into the flight path. So I guess it really wasn't her fault after all.

Susi is six years older than I am - but she was seven years ahead of me in school. No, not because I flunked! She started school when she was four - which was normal back then. She was a typical first child - high-achiever. She seemed to be a peacemaker with out family. Except with Cindy - I do remember the two of them breaking out in fisticuffs a couple times.

Susi grew up in a different family than the one I did. She remembers my grandparents being much younger than I do. My grandma, Momo played golf! I mostly recall her playing bridge and sitting in her chair. Susi got stuck with 3 younger sisters. I only had 1. She remembers the Germaines as neighbors - in fact she and Johnny burned down the bushes together. I remember the Reinertsons.

So it made sense when she went off to college and studied Sociology at Temple Buell. (It's now closed and ironically the campus is the site of where my nephew Colby studied and received a Bachelor of Science - Johnson and Wales for Culinary School). Where is that, you ask? All the way out in Denver! She went there two years, and then to the University of Denver.

It blew up my world when Susi went to college. I was 11, and was just entering those tender years. I wasn't going to get any guidance and assistance from Cindy. She had her own angst going on! I remember the first time Susi came home from college. She got a ride from someone and when she arrived at our front door, she looked like someone totally different than the girl that left. A hippy! It was 1969, after all. She had John Lennon wire frame glasses and fringed jeans. Wow - radical! I sometimes helped her iron her hair - with the iron on the ironing board - pre-flat iron days.

I've always enjoyed hanging out with Susi throughout my life. She's easy-going and even tempered. But the lady knows how to get stuff done. She needs to as the Government Affairs Specials with WPX Energy. She is a busy person.

Susi and Jim have raised 3 wonderful children. Jim's son David was only 3 when they got married in 1982, so Susi has been a big influence in David's life. He now lives in Manhattan with his wife and baby boy - Jonah who is adorable.

My nieces Leslie and Jordan are gorgeous and smart! Just like their parents. And now Les and her hubbie have little James who is a cutie. We can't wait to meet that little guy sometime soon. Jordie (my niece) lives and Denver and she and Amy get to hang out some. Les & fam live in sunny CA.

Susi is a Girl Scout. For real - not just the "be prepared" stuff. Mom helped with scouts when Susi was growing up (she burned out by my time with scouts - I got Cindy Peterson's mom as a leader...). Susi stayed in Scouts long enough to do the neat stuff like visit Washington D.C. She's given back to that organization many times over by volunteering - even though her girls weren't involved. One year, when we were in Florida, Cindy and I howled with laughter as Susi tried to describe how the girls in her troop insisted they need to have "Fluffernutters" deep fried white bread with peanut butter and marshmallow. Susi was determined to eat healthy and that wasn't what the girls had in mind...

It's also "Talk Like a Pirate Day" today - September 19th. So Ahoy me matey Suso! Hope yer havin' a great Day 'O birth!

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