Saturday, December 15, 2012

It's supposed to be "The End of the World" as we know it...

Have you put off Christmas shopping with the hope that you won't have to? That maybe the Mayans (and some other current religions predicting End Days) are right and December 21 is it? The world is coming to an end?

I haven't spent a great deal of time shopping, because our family is pretty easy these days.
  • Paul and I are attending ISU's Liberty Bowl Game in Memphis. That rules out any big gifts for either of us. Plus I got new tires on my car. Fun, huh?  
  • Amy and Jud give us gift suggestions after we hound them. Other than that cash is king.
  • Betsy has the only 2 kids not yet in college. That's our rule for nieces and nephews. Older kids are out of luck. We go the easy route and gift cards for them.
  • My sisstie uglers and I trade names. I have Cindo this year. We usually get something for Colby, since we're with them at Christmas, so fun gathering together to unwrap gifts. It's going to be so weird that Boldie won't be there. ;>( I'm praying him up some Budweiser.
  • Jud's GF Kara will be with us, so we'll get her a lil somethin.
  • Various charity related gifts - Toys for Tots etc.
See - pretty simple. Other than odds and ends that I come up with. I must admit I'm a big 'ol scrooge. I have been since the kids grew up and we quit having to pretend. I'm afraid I dwell more on what (who) I'm missing this time of year than what I'm given. I know - it's silly. I really have so much, and so many people in the world whom I love and who love me.

I baked one batch of cookies today, and will do another batch tomorrow. And, I really am going to get the tree out this weekend (the small one, not the biggie - since we'll be gone for Christmas anyway). At least it's not the dangling tree shaped air freshener I saw that someone was using. It was on a wire, hanging over their presents. Quite clever actually...I'll have to remember that one. If the world doesn't end...

I hope I'll be watching this again on the 22nd:
NASA Message
Their take on "Why the world didn't end yesterday". They put this video out ahead...just in case...

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