Thursday, November 8, 2012

I grew up in Creston

I was born and raised in Atlantic, Iowa - but I grew up in Creston. I've lived in Creston longer than anywhere else in my life. Paul and I moved here in 1986 thinking it was a stop on our way to someplace else, and we stuck a lil longer than we planned! And in the meantime...I grew up!

Amy was a babe in arms when we arrived all rosy cheeked to the southwest Iowa town of 8,600 people. It's no Atlantic! Don't get me wrong - I love my hometown. It's attractive, and there are a lot of nice people there. Chestnut Street the main street downtown, which still seems viable compared to many Iowa towns. Yep, Atlantic is nice, but it can be a little um, snobby. (My view after attending there as the "other" team as our children played for the CHS Panthers).

Creston is a blue collar town, with several factories dotting the landscape. Bunn-O-Matic - the coffeemakers, are made here, along with Gummi-Bears, a fruity smelling place! Plus some other stuff you probably wouldn't recognize. Like Vanmark - they make giant peelers for companies like McDonalds. And Fansteel, a foundry for helicopter parts among other things. Some local guys have also built up a good sized business grinding lenses here too. All those businesses have one thing in common - they need workers. The unemployment rate in town is around 5%.

It's not really a pretty town. You tend to forget that unless someone is coming to visit and you look at the place through a visitor's eyes...then you see the salvage yards on each edge of town. And the rundown homes people have neglected. Downtown isn't winning any prizes either - there's no main street to brag about. The refurbished Iowana and former FNB Building - now Upper Crust have perked things up though! The Depot was once where my office was - I'll always cherish hearing Bingo called downstairs whilst trying to put together a recycling education program. There are some nice parts of town too! The college and hospital are looking good once again after the tornado.

The Depot
So as you can tell - wasn't been the looks of the place that kept us in Creston. It's the people! Right from the start - they were darn friendly! They accepted young Paul Goldsmith as their District Conservationist in 1986 when Bob Loudon introduced him around. And once I was invited to join Zeta Iota Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, I was set. We were "somebody" - we had friends! Folks at my job at First National Bank were nice too. Even today, we are friends with people we met all those years ago. When we were babies. We've grown up together - they know all my crap. Warts and all.

So that's what I mean. We grew up in Creston. When we moved to town - neither of us had experienced much strife in our lives. Our parents were living. Though I wasn't finding the job of my dreams, I was happy parenting and working. We had great daycare providers who helped us raise our children.

Through the years - we lost a child. The town stepped up to help. Our parents passed away. Paul's sister Connie, and two Brother-In-Laws died. Happy things happened too. Jud was born. The kids grew up and participated in activities. Relatives married, babies were born. Amy and Jud graduated from high school and college. We celebrated joys and sorrows with our friends. Somewhere along the way I grew up (I know, sometimes I pretend I'm still 22).

When I started working in Des Moines, I suppose I knew it might someday come to this - moving to the Big City. Now it's a reality and I'm happy and sad. Driving around town has it's been hitting me. Adams Street with all the fall leaves. Soon I won't live here anymore!

I HATE goodbyes. So just know I will never say goodbye to Creston and my friends here. Only "until later". You'll see me. We have friends in town. We know where they live!

If you read this before Saturday November 10th and live near Creston - come to the big party to celebrate at The Lobby. 8 PM. There will be a DJ. Put on your dancin' shoes!

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