Sunday, June 10, 2018

Puppy fix Part 2, Oh...Kids Too

It's been a great stretch since Memorial Weekend. We got to see Amy and Corey in Denver as I blogged about earlier. Amy then came to Des Moines for fun/work. This weekend Jud and Kara traveled to Des Moines. During this time I got to see not only them - but their dogs. I love my kids and I love dogs. Missing my Odie. 

Amy traveled to Des Moines the week after Memorial Weekend for work and play. Her friend Jenna is getting married later this summer and the girls were getting together for the bachelorette party. She flew in on a Wednesday night and met with clients of her graphic design business in the following days. As she always tries to do, Amy trekked south to Creston to visit longtime pal Stormy Thursday night. In between appointments and meetings we had time to talk - really talk. That's my favorite time with our children. Getting beyond the top-level stuff, hearing about their real lives.
Long ago pic of the trio

Amy had a fab time with her girlfriends, celebrating their friendship in Galena, Illinois. Galenda is a beautiful place to visit. They sampled some wine and laughed about old times and times to come. Jenna, Amy and their other mate Rachelle were friends and college roomies. They have a great bond. Amy arrived home from Galena Sunday afternoon and we got to keep her around one more day until her flight Monday evening.

Amy met me at Ceviche Bar, the Cuban place in the East Village for lunch Monday. The Cubano sannies were delish. It's times like this that I wish our kids lived closer. Lunch on Monday? Sure! We take it when we can get it. That night Amy was winging her way home to her honey in Denver.

Friday, Kara and Jud drove north from Saint Louis (with pups Archie and Henry in tow). Tag! They were it. We took them out to Global Brew in Waukee for a beer then got barbecue takeout. Jud and Kara got up early Saturday - we hit the Farmer's Market before the crowds. It was a big weekend in town - golf tourney, Gay Pride and wine festivals. We ate at the grilled cheese place and bought delicious fresh strawberries. Next stop - Raygun for t-shirts.
Jud, Kara and friends

That afternoon, college friends stopped by before heading to their longtime pal Miranda's wedding at Lutheran Church of Hope, right by our house. Paul and I were in charge of the pups, proudly taking them for a jaunt around the park.

We heard Jud and Kara come in around 2 a.m. (Thanks Uber). After a morning casserole brunch, we sat around chatting, catching up on their friends. Many of them used to tailgate with us during their ISU days. Quality time! Love it.

The good news? All four will be here this summer for more weddings. Our nephew Alex is getting married in Washington state in August and we'll all be there. We may not live close to each other, but we'll make time for each other. Yes. 


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