Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Too Old to Muzzle

Odie's Mother's Day gift to me was to get her nails trimmed. Of course she didn't offer that up. I kinda forced her into it. PetSmart discovered her rabies vaccine was expired that morning.
Odie last year after surgery to remove a tumor on her chest

"I can't muzzle her. She's too old," the doggie tech told me. As I drove home with Odie (she thought she was getting out of the nail trim...wrong) to get the form, I thought about it. Odie is 10 - so what's that in dog years? How old am I?

I'm too old to muzzle too. Or as my pal Deb and I have stated - our mufflers have rusted off.

I have always been a smart ass - in the right company. But I was quiet in many settings and sometimes failed to speak up to those in positions superior to mine. Yes...I bit my tongue! Maturity has given me the confidence to speak my mind in all situations today. Yay - a reason to be glad to be a grown up.

And now this. Muzzle free. Okay - I'm likely not there yet. But someday - when I'm retired...a few years down the road - I'll let my hair go gray and I'll let fly whatever is on my mind.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Odie!!! Saw your story in the DM Rev...very fun!! Mary f