Friday, May 1, 2015

Atown friend

Don't you just love dreams? Leslie's dreamworld seems to project what is on my mind.  I dreamed Paul and I purchased a new home that had a huge room filled with Cadillacs - one for every year. I remember thinking - "I don't want these things...we need to sell them!" (and buy more stuff for the house, I think). I guess I've been watching too much HGTV.

And Paul figured it out where the car part came from - I was planning a visit to Atlantic's automotive king, Don Deter. My dad bought quite a few caddies from Dandy Don, and the rest of us purchased lots of other cars. My first car, a Chevy Monza was from Deter's. It was terrible in snow, didn't have air conditioning and the struts went out on it in like 5 years. But I loved that little piece of crap!

Paul and I bought a couple cars there too, before we moved away from southwest Iowa and began buying elsewhere. They always treated us right, fixing what needed to be fixed without too much hassle. It pays to have friends in the car biz.

Don is rehabbing after recent back surgery and is living at Edgewater, a Wesley Acres facility here in West Des Moines. Don is stuck there until a spot opens up in Atlantic.

Don and wife Jane were longtime friends of my parents. When I heard Don was in the area I was happy to stop by to see him. Edgewater is Southwest of our house - south of the Huston cemetery in the middle of the road.

Don was surprised to see me! It took me a while to track him down. Edgewater is a big place - a new retirement campus in the front with assisted living around back where Don was situated. I nearly didn't make it in as I had to figure out how to punch the code in to get access to the door. When they put me in one of those places....I'll never get out!

I enjoyed visited with Don. He relayed that he'd had a dream about Dad recently - he was all dressed up from traveling, but was playing golf. Such a fun boy! I told Don what Amy and Jud are up to - always love to brag up the kids. And that Paul and I now live in the big city. He was interested in my job - truly wanted to know about what I do. We even talked about the chickens and their flu.

I'm glad Don's back is better. Perhaps I'll get to see him again before he moves back to A-town. It's nice to talk to people who know your people. You know what I mean?

My folks

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